[ros-users] ROS Day @ISR - University of Coimbra

Gonçalo Cabrita goncabrita at gmail.com
Sat Feb 5 14:44:29 UTC 2011

Hi everyone!

The ROS day at ISR is happening! I made a wiki page for the event at


The reason for this mail however is that I would like to refer Stage and
Gazebo on my presentation, however I have never used Gazebo and I need a
cool screenshot.

Could anyone send me a nice screenshot from Gazebo running? Something that
will make the audience jaws drop!

Thanks in advance!

Gonçalo Cabrita
ISR University of Coimbra

2010/11/25 Gonçalo Cabrita <goncabrita at gmail.com>

> Hi Dejan!
> Just talked with the guys from the MRL, and it seems they are all very
> excited about learning ROS :D
> I now have a pretty good collection of presentations to make my ROS talk.
> The problem will be to keep it short! I would like to go from what ROS is
> and what it's for to talking about our repository and code licensing.
> For the practical part I believe that what you suggested is perfect, I'm
> not sure we'll have time for more than that. Anyways we just want to go into
> the basics, we don't want people to get the idea ROS is very complicated.
> Also we should keep it generic in order to attract people from all areas,
> although this is the Institute of Systems and Robotics we have a wide range
> of research, some people will be very interested in manipulation while
> others will be interested in mobile robot navigation. We also have a strong
> computer vision group. But we believe that if we show them the basic stuff
> they can get the feel of things and just dig deeper into the areas that
> interest each of them.
> We have a bunch of Roombas here but I'm not sure some people would be
> interested on working with them on the workshop. Still I would like to get
> people working with something that actually moves. After all we're in this
> business cause we all love toys :D
> Gonçalo Cabrita
> ISR - University of Coimbra
> Portugal
> On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 7:07 PM, Dejan Pangercic <
> dejan.pangercic at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Gonçalo,
>> great idea, you shall get in my colleagues from
>> http://paloma.isr.uc.pt/mrl/index.php
>> as well.
>> As Ken already pointed out, we recently carried out a ROS Fall School
>> for 60+ ROS newbies and we thus have a bunch of theoretical as well as
>> practical material that you may recycle. I especially recommend you to
>> have a look at talks 2 to including 7 in the following list:
>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/Events/CoTeSys-ROS-School/#All_Talks
>> For the practical part you wonna start with these:
>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Tutorials
>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf/Tutorials
>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/actionlib/Tutorials
>> And if you want a bit more advanced stuff you can have them make Day1
>> and Day2 tutorials from the Fall School:
>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/Events/CoTeSys-ROS-School/Day1
>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/Events/CoTeSys-ROS-School/Day2
>> cheers, D.
>> 2010/11/24 Gonçalo Cabrita <goncabrita at gmail.com>:
>> > Hi everyone!
>> > For the past few months me and my colleague Pedro Sousa have been
>> learning
>> > ROS and developing nodes for most of the hardware we have on our lab. We
>> are
>> > now working on documentation and cleaning up our repository.
>> > We believe that our next step should be to share what we have learned so
>> far
>> > with the rest of the ISR-Coimbra community of professors, students and
>> > researchers. For this purpose we came up with the ROS Day.
>> > Our goal is to first of all introduce people in the ISR-Coimbra to ROS,
>> > explaining what it can do, what it is meant for and how they can benefit
>> > from it (and how we can all benefit if we all use the same tools).
>> Secondly
>> > we intend to speed up the learning process of our colleagues.
>> > To achieve our goals we were thinking about dividing the ROS Day in 2
>> parts.
>> > A first session will consist of a presentation with some Q&A at the end.
>> A
>> > second session would be somewhat of a workshop where people could bring
>> > their laptops and we could all do some exploring and coding.
>> > So my question is if anyone has had any experience with this sort of
>> thing
>> > before? What kind of topics would be interesting to approach for a first
>> > contact with ROS? (Always keeping in mind we have just started
>> ourselves!!!)
>> > Also if anyone has got any materials on this subject (like
>> presentations)
>> > they would like to share we would be very thankful.
>> > Any comments and ideas are also welcome :)
>> > Gonçalo Cabrita
>> > ISR - University of Coimbra
>> > Portugal
>> >
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>> --
>> MSc. Dejan Pangercic
>> PhD Student/Researcher
>> Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group
>> Technische Universität München
>> Telephone: +49 (89) 289-26908
>> E-Mail: dejan.pangercic at cs.tum.edu
>> WWW: http://ias.cs.tum.edu/people/pangercic
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