[ros-users] Move_base fails

Eitan Marder-Eppstein eitan at willowgarage.com
Wed Feb 2 18:23:47 UTC 2011


Strange, I was almost sure that would be the problem. OK, a couple things to

1) Since you can't run rxconsole, run "rostopic echo move_base/status" and
then send a goal... do you see any useful messages in the "text" field of
the messages? Something about why move_base aborts?

2) Can you "rostopic echo move_base/goal" and "rostopic echo
move_base_simple/goal" both when you send a goal from rviz and when you send
a goal from code. Do you notice any significant difference between the two
poses? The best way to do this would be to send a goal through code and then
send a goal in rviz where you line up the goal sending arrow with the arrow
produced by the goal sent from code. Rviz sends a raw PoseStamped and the
action client sends an action goal, I'm just interested in how the
PoseStamped in that goal matches the PoseStamped sent by rviz.

Let me know how those suggestions go, I'll also try to think up more reasons
you could be seeing this behavior.

Hope all is well,


On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 3:16 AM, abhy <abhy.12354 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Eitan for your response.
> I have ensured that goal is not being set in unknown or somewhere in the
> obstacle.
> When i click on rviz the global planner is working properly but from code
> it
> is not.  In both ways global planner is referring same configuration files
> of the stack. As i said it is setting a goal but not planning a path to
> move
> on it.
> Is there anything i should specifically look for?
> Abhy.
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