[ros-users] Videre STOC Problem
Antons Rebguns
anton at email.arizona.edu
Sat Feb 12 19:15:43 UTC 2011
That is actually the correct mode of operation when running in STOC
mode. The camera does all the hard work of stereo calculations
on-board and gives you the left image and the disparity image from
which we get the point cloud. If you want to get both left and right
images and do stereo calculations off board in software, just run in
non-STOC mode, there's a launch file for that. Let me know if that
works for you.
On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 11:59 AM, Patrick Goebel <patrick at pirobot.org> wrote:
> Great suggestion! I can fire up videre_stereo_cam/launch/videre.launch
> without error (full startup messages listed below). However (and
> perhaps this is related to the problems with smallv and coriander), I
> can only see the left image. So running
> $ rosrun image_view ime_view image:=stereo/left/image_raw
> gives me an image but
> $ rosrun image_view ime_view image:=stereo/right/image_raw
> gives me a blank window. I get both left and right images in Windows
> when running smallv.
> Running rostopic list gives:
> /diagnostics
> /rosout
> /rosout_agg
> /stereo/disparity
> /stereo/left/camera_info
> /stereo/left/image_color
> /stereo/left/image_color/compressed
> /stereo/left/image_color/theora
> /stereo/left/image_mono
> /stereo/left/image_mono/compressed
> /stereo/left/image_mono/theora
> /stereo/left/image_raw
> /stereo/left/image_raw/compressed
> /stereo/left/image_raw/theora
> /stereo/left/image_rect
> /stereo/left/image_rect/compressed
> /stereo/left/image_rect/theora
> /stereo/left/image_rect_color
> /stereo/left/image_rect_color/compressed
> /stereo/left/image_rect_color/theora
> /stereo/points
> /stereo/points2
> /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/parameter_descriptions
> /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/parameter_updates
> confirming only the left image is being published.
> So then I tried videre_non_stoc.launch and this time rostopic list shows:
> /diagnostics
> /rosout
> /rosout_agg
> /stereo/left/camera_info
> /stereo/left/image_raw
> /stereo/left/image_raw/compressed
> /stereo/left/image_raw/theora
> /stereo/right/camera_info
> /stereo/right/image_raw
> /stereo/right/image_raw/compressed
> /stereo/right/image_raw/theora
> /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/parameter_descriptions
> /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/parameter_updates
> And I get images for both left and right in image_view thought I'm not
> sure they aren't just the same image(?).
> --patrick
> P.S. Here are the startup messages when running videre.launch:
> started roslaunch server http://pi-ubuntu:33721/
> ========
> * /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/frame_id
> * /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/fps
> * /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/exposure_auto
> * /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/videre_mode
> * /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/gain_auto
> * /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/brightness_auto
> * /stereo/videre_stereo_cam/convert_to_color
> /stereo/
> videre_stereo_cam (videre_stereo_cam/videre_stereo_node)
> ROS_MASTER_URI=http://pi-ubuntu:11311/
> core service [/rosout] found
> process[videre_stereo_cam-1]: started with pid [2693]
> [ INFO] [1297535349.547920863]: Resetting bus
> [ INFO] [1297535349.550777061]: Initializing camera, turning off ISO
> [ INFO] [1297535349.620761024]: [dcam] Videre camera, getting local params
> [ INFO] [1297535349.621693078]: [dcam] Camera firmware: 07.01
> [ INFO] [1297535349.622254601]: [dcam] Imager firmware: 0008
> [ INFO] [1297535349.622468767]: [Dcam] Found stereo device
> [ INFO] [1297535349.623208715]: [dcam] STOC version: 04.02
> [ INFO] [1297535349.624290434]: [dcam] STOC thresholds: 00010c0a
> [ INFO] [1297535349.925963168]: [dcam] Calibration, 1975 bytes
> [ INFO] [1297535349.928050938]: [dcam] Color device
> [ INFO] [1297535349.928625025]: [dcam] Feature register hi: d2800000
> [ INFO] [1297535349.929191015]: [dcam] Feature register lo: 00000000
> [ INFO] [1297535349.933219402]: [Dcam] Exposure min/max: [0,529]
> [ INFO] [1297535349.939681518]: [Dcam] Gain min/max: [0,48]
> [ INFO] [1297535349.944065080]: [Dcam] Brightness min/max: [0,255]
> [ INFO] [1297535349.946369249]: [Dcam] Whitebalance min/max: [0,30]
> [extractParams] Parameters:
> [dcam] SVS-type parameters
> [dcam] Disparity resolution: 1/16 pixel
> [dcam] Correlation window: 15
> [dcam] Prefilter window: 9
> [dcam] Number of disparities: 64
> [dcam] left camera matrix (K)
> 508.5466 0.0000 316.0090
> 0.0000 510.9624 240.5289
> 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
> [dcam] left distortion vector (D)
> -0.4300 0.2907 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1297
> [dcam] left rectification matrix (R)
> 0.9999 0.0019 -0.0109
> -0.0020 1.0000 -0.0031
> 0.0109 0.0031 0.9999
> [dcam] left projection matrix (P)
> 515.0000 0.0000 321.6060 0.0000
> 0.0000 515.0000 227.1362 0.0000
> 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
> [dcam] right camera matrix (K)
> 511.9488 0.0000 298.7494
> 0.0000 514.7863 216.4977
> 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
> [dcam] right distortion vector (D)
> -0.4172 0.2647 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1200
> [dcam] right rectification matrix (R)
> 1.0000 0.0005 -0.0081
> -0.0005 1.0000 0.0031
> 0.0081 -0.0031 1.0000
> [dcam] right projection matrix (P)
> 515.0000 0.0000 321.6060 -31.2624
> 0.0000 515.0000 227.1362 0.0000
> 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
> [dcam] Has rectification
> [dcam] External translation vector
> -0.0607 -0.0000 0.0005
> [dcam] External rotation vector
> 0.0062 -0.0028 -0.0015
> [ INFO] [1297535350.228984827]: Connecting to camera with GUID
> 23930887758951554 [VIDERE_DESIGN MDS-STH]
> [ INFO] [1297535350.229400314]: Connected camera is a STOC device
> [ INFO] [1297535350.547844460]: Camera reconfigure request received,
> level 0xffffffff
> [ INFO] [1297535350.549813279]: Setting mode to disparity_raw
> [ INFO] [1297535350.549879176]: Color conversion from Bayer pattern is
> Enabled
> [ INFO] [1297535354.483589444]: Stereo camera's frame ID is
> /stereo_optical_frame
> [ INFO] [1297535354.483729336]: Setting Exposure to Auto setting
> [ INFO] [1297535354.483775129]: Setting Gain to Auto setting
> [ INFO] [1297535354.483817571]: Setting Brightness to Auto setting
> [ INFO] [1297535354.483859176]: Setting Whitebalance to Auto setting
> [ INFO] [1297535354.483900501]: Companding mode is Enabled
> [ INFO] [1297535354.483941547]: High Dynamic Range mode is Disabled
> [ INFO] [1297535354.634338543]: STOC: uniqueness threshold is set to 36
> [ INFO] [1297535354.634449116]: STOC: texture threshold is set to 30
> [ INFO] [1297535354.634493234]: STOC: speckle size is set to 100
> [ INFO] [1297535354.634535118]: STOC: speckle range is set to 10
> [ INFO] [1297535354.634576722]: STOC: horopter is set to 0
> [ INFO] [1297535354.634618327]: -------------------------------------------
> [ INFO] [1297535354.986294204]: Streaming...
> On 02/12/2011 10:20 AM, Antons Rebguns wrote:
>> Patrick,
>> You could also try running the ROS driver videre_stereo_cam in
>> ua-ros-pkg. Just run roslaunch videre_stereo_cam videre.launch to run
>> the camera in stoc mode. I am not sure it's going to work since
>> neither coriander nor svs works, but you can give it a shot.
>> Anton
>> On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Patrick Goebel<patrick at pirobot.org> wrote:
>>> It occurred to me that I have an old digital video camera that uses
>>> Firewire. So I installed kino, plugged in the camera to the same
>>> Firewire port I've been using with the STOC camera and presto, I am able
>>> to control the camera and capture some video.
>>> So I'm wondering if my problem is not having the Videre driver installed
>>> correctly. In fact, I'm not even sure what installing the driver might
>>> mean beyond what I did in the beginning which was: I unpacked the
>>> original SVS tgz file into /home/patrick/bin/svs. Then:
>>> $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/patrick/bin/svs/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>>> $ cd /usr/lib
>>> $ sudo ln -s libraw1394.so.11.0.1 libraw1394.so.8
>>> $ sudo ldconfig
>>> Is there something else I need to do to make sure the STOC driver is
>>> being accessed?
>>> --patrick
>>> On 02/12/2011 09:10 AM, Patrick Goebel wrote:
>>>> Many thanks Anton and Jack! Changing the permissions and group (video)
>>>> on /dev/raw1394 got me a little further but there is still a problem.
>>>> Coriander now comes up and shows "VIDERE_DESIGN MDS-STH" under the
>>>> Camera Select menu but the window is completely unresponsive--clicking
>>>> on tabs and buttons has no effect. Typing Ctrl-C in the launching
>>>> terminal kills the coriander window but does not return the command
>>>> prompt and coriander is listed as a defunct process. Also, trying to
>>>> run smallv simply hangs after issuing the command--no window ever
>>>> appears and neither Ctrl-C nor 'pkill -9 smallv' in another terminal can
>>>> kill it...
>>>> Just to summarize:
>>>> ls -l /dev/raw1394
>>>> crwxrwxrwx 1 root video 171, 0 2011-02-12 08:57 /dev/raw1394
>>>> uid=1000(patrick) gid=1000(patrick)
>>>> groups=4(adm),6(disk),20(dialout),24(cdrom),44(video),46(plugdev),104(lpadmin),115(admin),120(sambashare),1000(patrick)
>>>> ls -l /dev/video1394/
>>>> total 0
>>>> crwxrwxrwx+ 1 root video 171, 16 2011-02-12 08:57 0
>>>> crwxrwxrwx+ 1 root video 171, 17 2011-02-12 08:57 1
>>>> Any other thoughts?
>>>> --patrick
>>>> On 02/12/2011 08:46 AM, Antons Rebguns wrote:
>>>>> What I always have to do is set RW permissions on /dev/raw1394, I
>>>>> never had to touch /dev/video1394. After that everything usually works
>>>>> just fine.
>>>>> Anton
>>>>> On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Jack O'Quin<jack.oquin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Patrick Goebel<patrick at pirobot.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> I made sure I am a member of both the disk and video groups and I did a
>>>>>>> chmod 777 on dev/video1394/* so that ls -l dev/video1394/* gives:
>>>>>>> crwxrwxrwx+ 1 root video 171, 16 2011-02-12 07:59 0
>>>>>>> crwxrwxrwx+ 1 root video 171, 17 2011-02-12 07:59
>>>>>> You probably need to do something similar for /dev/raw1394:
>>>>>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/camera1394/Troubleshooting#No_Bus_Access_Permissions
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> joq
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