[ros-users] pcl bag_to_pcd

Radu Bogdan Rusu rusu at willowgarage.com
Mon Feb 14 18:15:03 UTC 2011


By default I believe that bag_to_pcd uses /base_link as the output TF transform. This should be exposed properly through 
a parameter. You can either modify it yourself (line 133) and submit a patch, or ticket me and I'll make sure it gets fixed.

PS. PCL problems should go to pcl-users at code.ros.org :)


On 02/14/2011 09:14 AM, Arbeiter, Georg wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to convert a bagfile into pcd files using bag_to_pcd. But
> everything I get is
> [ERROR] [1297703460.328842013]: You requested a transform at time
> 1292497206.348,
>    but the tf buffer only contains a single transform at time 1292497207.122.
>    When trying to transform between /head_tof_link and /base_link.
> What's wrong? Replaying the bag file using rosbag play seems to work
> correctly.
> Best regards,
> Georg
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