[ros-users] move_arm, motion_planner, mechanism_controllers, ... lost :S
Kaijen Hsiao
hsiao at willowgarage.com
Tue Mar 8 18:45:29 UTC 2011
Hi Ugo,
When use_additional_start_angles is 0, it takes as the initial joint
positions the start position defined in the service request, in
req.motion_plan_request.start_state.joint_state.position. If
use_additional_start_angles is 1, it will try one set of start angles
from the list of possible additional start angles, if the requested
start angles do not produce a satisfactory solution. Thus, the default
should be 0.
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 6:58 AM, Ugo Cupcic <ugo at shadowrobot.com> wrote:
> Hi Sachin,
> I switched to unstable today and I can confirm that it's working perfectly
> in my case. I had to modify ik_utilities.py, in order to use the specified
> start_angles (see bug #5040:
> https://code.ros.org/trac/wg-ros-pkg/ticket/5040).
> I also had to update my ompl planning parameter file. The syntax seems to be
> different in unstable and in diamondback (by the way, I think that the
> example in ompl_ros_interface/ won't work as the
> pr2_arm_navigation_planning/config/ompl_planning_configs.yaml seems to be
> out of date). You can have a look at ticket #5062 for more details.
> Cheers,
> Ugo
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 7:42 PM, Sachin Chitta <sachinc at willowgarage.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Ugo,
>> I just released the generic arm kinematics (collision aware) package into
>> unstable. This now lets you do collision aware kinematics for any arm. This
>> is a combination of David Lu's arm_kinematics package (which is based on the
>> KDL IK solvers) and code from the pr2_arm_kinematics_constraint_aware
>> package.
>> I also updated the corresponding interfaces in pr2_arm_kinematics and
>> motion_planners in unstable. Let me know if you have any trouble.
>> Best Regards,
>> Sachin
>> (p.s. Thank you, David for creating arm_kinematics)
>> On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 9:56 AM, Sachin Chitta <sachinc at willowgarage.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Ugo,
>>> Move arm indeed is generic and was designed to work with any arm. The
>>> only command output that is pr2 dependent is the action addressing the
>>> trajectory controller, so if you implement something for that it should
>>> work. Don't use the ik_constrained planner, it is now outdated.
>>> I will fix and release the generic_kinematics package if you are happy
>>> with it so far.
>>> I would recommend using ompl as your planner. I just released a new
>>> version of ompl_ros_interface into unstable. It replaces the old ompl_ros
>>> and ompl_planning packages for interfacing with the new ompl package from
>>> Rice (http://ompl-beta.kavrakilab.org/). I will be putting in more tutorials
>>> for the new package as the days go by and will help you get it running on
>>> your arm - I intend to use this as a example/use-case for the tutorials as
>>> well.
>>> Regards,
>>> Sachin
>>> On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 8:27 AM, Ugo Cupcic <ugo at shadowrobot.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm getting more and more lost trying to implement the move_arm
>>>> properly, so sorry in advance if my questions are a bit messy.
>>>> At first I duplicated the move_arm package and completely modified it
>>>> for my arm. It kind of worked but it didn't seem like a good solution, as
>>>> move_arm seems to be very generic:
>>>> The only command output from this package seem to be a
>>>> pr2_controllers_msgs::JointTrajectoryAction. So if I implement my own
>>>> joint_trajectory_action_controller.cpp, which is a
>>>> SimpleActionServer<pr2_controllers_msgs::JointTrajectoryAction>, to move my
>>>> arm, will it work?
>>>> To use the generic move_arm package, I'm still missing a motion_planner
>>>> (I think). Should I try to use the ompl_planner or the
>>>> ik_constrained_planner or something else? When I'm trying to compile the
>>>> ik_constrained_planner it's failing to build due to the generic_kinematics
>>>> overlay (from
>>>> https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg/stacks/kinematics/branches/generic_kinematics).
>>>> Hope you can give me some hints on what I am doing wrong.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ugo
>>>> --
>>>> Ugo Cupcic | Shadow Robot Company | ugo at shadowrobot.com
>>>> Software Engineer | 251 Liverpool Road |
>>>> need a Hand? | London N1 1LX | +44 20 7700 2487
>>>> http://www.shadowrobot.com/hand/ @shadowrobot
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>>> --
>>> Sachin Chitta
>>> Research Scientist
>>> Willow Garage
>> --
>> Sachin Chitta
>> Research Scientist
>> Willow Garage
> --
> Ugo Cupcic | Shadow Robot Company | ugo at shadowrobot.com
> Software Engineer | 251 Liverpool Road |
> need a Hand? | London N1 1LX | +44 20 7700 2487
> http://www.shadowrobot.com/hand/ @shadowrobot
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