[ros-users] rosbash tool share

Bhaskara Marthi bhaskara at willowgarage.com
Fri Mar 11 22:17:19 UTC 2011

Along the same lines:

alias rpf='rospack find'
alias rpd='rospack depends'
alias rpd1='rospack depends1'
alias rpdo='rospack depends-on'
alias rpdo1='rospack depends-on1'

function rbp
    rosparam set /use_sim_time true
    rosbag play --clock $*

function rdw
    rospack depends-why --target=$2 $1

# Grep ros parameters
function rpgr
    rosparam dump -v /dev/null | grep $1

# Make everything needed for a launch file
alias rld=roslaunch-deps
function rmd
    rosmake `rld $1`
alias rtgr='rostopic list | grep'
alias rngr='rosnode list | grep'

# Print next message on topic
alias rten='rostopic echo -n 1'

# Bring up node with the arguments it would have been given in this launch
function rln
    roslaunch --args $2 $1 | bash

function rpclear
    for x in `rosparam list`
        rosparam delete $x

function rpg
    for p in `rosparam list`
    echo -n "$p "
    echo `rosparam get $p`

# Go to a directory, do something, and come back when done
function withd
    remaining=`echo $* | sed -e 's/^[^[:blank:]]*[[:blank:]]*\(.*\)$/\1/'`;
    pushd $1 && $remaining;

# like withd for roscd, e.g., '$ roswd other_package make'
function roswd
    remaining=`echo $* | sed -e 's/^[^[:blank:]]*[[:blank:]]*\(.*\)$/\1/'`;
    rospd $1 && $remaining;

- Bhaskara

On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 1:39 PM, Stuart Glaser <sglaser at willowgarage.com>wrote:

> Here's a couple of shortcuts that I use:
> For quickly finding topics:
> alias gtopic='rostopic list | sort -u | grep'
> A couple of image_view shortcuts:
> imview () { rosrun image_view image_view image:=$1 }
> dispview () { rosrun image_view disparity_view image:=$1 }
> So I can easily source the same setup.bash when I open new terminals:
> abspath()  # Doesn't follow symlinks
> {
>    echo $(cd $(dirname $1); pwd)/$(basename $1)
> }
> # Sets a persistant source target
> #function
> rs() {
>  STORAGE=$HOME/.ros_default_source
>  if [ -z "$1" ]; then
>    if [ ! -e $STORAGE ]; then
>      echo "No .rd"
>    else
>      PREVIOUS=$(cat $STORAGE)
>      echo "Sourcing $PREVIOUS"
>      source $PREVIOUS
>    fi
>  else
>    RESOLVED=`abspath $1`
>    echo "Sourcing $RESOLVED"
>    source $RESOLVED
>    echo "Saving new source default: $RESOLVED"
>    echo "$RESOLVED" > $STORAGE
>  fi
> }
> And finally, my personal favorites (non-ROS):
> alias up='cd ..'
> alias upp='cd ../..'
> alias uppp='cd ../../..'
> alias upppp='cd ../../../..'
> --
> Stuart Glaser
> sglaser -at- willowgarage -dot- com
> www.willowgarage.com
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Bhaskara Marthi
Research Scientist
Willow Garage Inc.
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