[ros-users] Pyyaml using easy_install on Mac OS X

Nicholas Butko nbutko at ucsd.edu
Mon Mar 14 02:58:24 UTC 2011

Can't comment much beyond what's already been said except that I recently successfully installed Diamondback on a fresh 10.6 machine (MacBook pro). 

I was surprised that after running python_select and port installing py26-yaml, I had to also easy_install pyyaml,  but after easy_install, everything worked. 


On Mar 13, 2011, at 10:39 PM, "S.Sudarshan" <sudarshan85 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply.
> As far as easy_install... If I recall correctly there are multiple easy_installs (e.g. easy_install25, easy_install26, etc or something along those lines) that you could run, each that installs for a different version of Python.
> Easiest test for whether or not yaml will import would be something along the lines of "/usr/bin/env python" and then try to "import yaml" in the interpreter that pops up. "/usr/bin/env python" is the shebang line all ROS python scripts should be using and should get you to whichever Python ROS will actually be using.
> Hope that helps.
> - Eric
> Ok..."which easy_intall" revealed /usr/bin/easy_install...which I believe is not the one that I need. So I checked at /opt/local/bin and there was easy_install-2.6. So I did "sudo easy_install-2.6 -U pyyaml" and no luck, gave me the same error as before. However, as you suggested I launched python and tried to import yaml and it imported without any problems.
> So I went ahead and tried rosinstall (which I had installed using easy_install. When I tried to install rosinstall using easy_install-2.6 it said rosinstall was already active.) but I got the same error about not being able to import yaml.
> Thanks,
> S. 
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