[ros-users] Pyyaml using easy_install on Mac OS X

S.Sudarshan sudarshan85 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 03:03:53 UTC 2011

> Replacing /usr/bin/python (or anything in /usr) is a bad idea, since
> Mac OS probably expects that to be a particular build of python. If
> it's not, your system could have issues down the line. You should make
> sure /opt/local/bin precedes /usr/bin in your path, and you should use
> python_select (from Macports) to select the 2.6 version of python.
> Also, you should be reinstalling yaml after doing all of this.

I made sure /opt/local/bin precedes /usr/bin in my path. When you say use
python_select from Macports, I'm assuming use the python_select located at
/opt/local/bin to select python26 which I did.  I also installed py26-yaml
using macports. Now instead of running easy_install, I ran easy_install-2.6
-U pyyaml which surprisingly ran without problems indicating PyYAML 3.09 is
already the active version in easy-install.pth. However, I ran rosinstall
after this but it still was not able to import yaml.

When you say I should be install yaml, are you refering to libyaml on
macports (which I did) or py26-yaml on macports (which I did) or
easy_install pyyaml (which gives the error indicated in the first mail) or
easy_install-2.6 pyyaml (which I did and gives output which I've explained

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