[ros-users] image_proc crop and decimate (binning) nodelet and bayer
Joan Pau Beltran
joanpau.beltran at uib.cat
Tue Nov 8 15:10:29 UTC 2011
Hi again,
Finally it comes the OpenCV version suggested. Details below.
Al 26/10/11 00:58, En/na Joan Pau Beltran ha escrit:
>> I created a ticket to track your code and suggestions:
>> https://code.ros.org/trac/ros-pkg/ticket/5201. Further comments below.
> If it is better to discuss it there, let me know.
I did not find how to annotate that ticket, so I am responding here.
Sorry if it is not the right place.
> I am working on that version. My first approach is to create a nodelet
> that, depending on the subscribers, takes as inputs a camera_info
> topic and an image_mono, image_color, image_rect and/or
> image_rect_color topic using a TimeSynchonizer. Then the needed images
> are subsampled with cv::resize from OpenCV, and published all together
> with the adapted camera_info under a different namespace (the scaled
> camera namespace). The TimeSynchronizer trick is needed to provide
> just one camera_info message for all the scaled images. Think of it as
> simulating a whole new camera with ROI/binning in a new namespace.
The attached code implements this approach. The connection callback is
a little bit tricky, but it works fine with a limitation explained
below. The only thing that is missing is the handling of the do_rectify
field of the output camera_info. Since the node scales both rectified
and unrectified images, I am not pretty sure how should be treated.
Because I started the code some time ago, the reconfigure parameters
have a different name (matching the members of the camera_info). But
despite of their name, they are exactly the same that the ones used in
the original crop_decimate.cpp. As noted by a colleague, the scaling
factor could be a float, but then how to fill the binning fields of the
outgoing camera_info?
> It should be noted that in this approach Bayer images are not handled,
> and that an image_proc should be running on the original camera
> namespace to provide the needed full size images. Another image_proc
> in the scaled namespace will NOT be needed. Alternatively,
> rectification and RGB to mono nodelets may be launched only in the
> scaled namespace, provided that a debayering node is running in the
> original camera namespace if the camera is bayer. Any idea of what is
> more accurate/efficient?
Actually, that alternative approach is not possible with the given code.
When a client subscribes to one of the image topics (mono, color, rect
or rect_color) a TimeSynchronizer is used to synchronize the needed
inputs and the camera_info, so missing images on that topic will lead
the nodelet to an idle status, waiting until a whole set of synchronized
messages arrives on all topics.
Joan Pau Beltran
Grup de Sistemes, Robòtica i Visió - DMI
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Ctra. Valldemossa, km 7.5 07122 Palma
Campus Universitari, edifici Anselm Turmeda
Telf (+34) 971 17 28 13
Fax (+34) 971 17 30 03
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