[ros-users] [Ros-developers] Fwd: Review for Dynamic Reconfigure Groups
Ingo Lütkebohle
iluetkeb at gmail.com
Sun Nov 13 15:01:17 UTC 2011
I second this. The experience with rosbag also shows that such a
second serialization format is hard to get rid of (rosbag has a
different format in the header than in the messages...).
On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 7:40 PM, Thibault Kruse <kruset at in.tum.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> a bit late maybe to mention this, but I find it strange that
> dynamic_reconfigure
> would invent its own type system. Why not build on the
> ROS msg type system and work it from there? That would reduce
> the duplicate code (binding generation) and allow for easier integration
> with other
> programming languages. It does not even need to support the whole
> range of ros msg possibilities for that to start with.
> "Grouping parameters" sounds very much like building a ROS message structure
> to me.
> I understand that you cannot define variable domains in ros msg definitions,
> but why should a dynamic reconfigure file not start by loading a message
> struct from a ros msg definition, and extend this to a configuration?
> If you look at the example on using dynamic reconfigure merged with a
> service:
> http://ibotics.ucsd.edu/trac/stingray/wiki/ROSNodeTutorialC%2B%2B
> this bit seems like redundant code:
> void NodeExample::messageCallback(const
> node_example::node_example_data::ConstPtr&msg)
> {
> message_= msg->message;
> a_= msg->a;
> b_= msg->b;
> ...
> } // end publishCallback()
> void
> NodeExample::configCallback(node_example::node_example_paramsConfig&config,
> uint32_t level)
> {
> // Set class variables to new values. They should match what is input at
> the dynamic reconfigure GUI.
> message_= config.message.c_str();
> a_= config.a;
> b_= config.b;
> } // end configCallback()
> If dynamic reconfigure was based on ros msg, one callback would do for both.
> That in itself is not a huge benefit to anyone maybe, it just would seem
> more
> reasonable to me than to have two parallel type systems.
> In the same way, i would have been happy to see dynamic_reconfigure cfg
> files being yaml files rather than python, declaring structures only.
> That could one day even lead to ROS msg definitions which include more
> semantics like minimum, maximum, default, docstring. Is there a good
> reason why this cannot or should not be done?
> cheers,
> Thibault
> On 01/-10/-28163 08:59 PM, Ken Conley wrote:
>> Forwarding to ros-developers as well
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Eitan Marder-Eppstein<eitan at willowgarage.com>
>> Date: Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 8:09 AM
>> Subject: Review for Dynamic Reconfigure Groups
>> To: ros-review at lists.willowgarage.com
>> Cc: Ze'ev Klapow<klapow at willowgarage.com>, Ken
>> Conley<kwc at willowgarage.com>
>> Hey all,
>> Ze'ev Klapow spent some time last week implementing a groups feature
>> for dynamic reconfigure. The feature enables you to do things like
>> show and hide groups of parameters based on what other parameters have
>> been set, view parameters for a node by group and expand or collapse
>> them in the client, and access parameters in both C++ and Python in a
>> consistent manner using '.' syntax. The feature is, I think, super
>> useful, but to land in E-Turtle it needs a review. We'd love feedback
>> from anyone using dynamic_reconfigure who wants to try out this
>> feature.
>> The list of changes lives here, along with a section for feedback:
>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/dynamic_reconfigure/Reviews/7-1-11_groups
>> And updated tutorials live here:
>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/Ze%27ev%20Klapow/dynamic
>> And the code can be found here:
>> https://kforge.ros.org/project/common/services/dynamicreconfig/
>> Thanks much, and hope all is well,
>> Eitan
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Ingo Lütkebohle
Bielefeld University
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