[ros-users] REP 114, 118, 121, 123, 125 status updates related to Fuerte

Ken Conley kwc at willowgarage.com
Mon Apr 23 20:38:05 UTC 2012

Per REP 1, REPs 114 (rospkg), 118 (Depth Images), 121 (pluginlib
updates), 123 (ROS_ETC_DIR and ROS_DISTRO) and 125 (rosdep 2) have
been marked as Final, as they have reference implementations are
deployed in ROS Fuerte.  These REPs were being left open until Fuerte

REPs 122 (FHS Layout) and 124 (Changes to roslaunch/rosrun for REP
122) are still being left open as more changes are expected for

 -- your friendly neighborhood REP editors

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