[ros-users] ROS Fuerte Beta 1 Now Available
Traveler Hauptman
traveler.hauptman at iit.it
Wed Apr 4 14:14:30 UTC 2012
BTW This dependency error from rospack is contrary to rosdep which finds
On 4/04/2012 3:42 p.m., Traveler wrote:
> 4. rosmake appears to happily build the things that don't depend on pcl.
> I get a compiler error for pcl_ros and for a bunch of things I get a
> dependency error like:
> [rosbuild] Building package depth_image_proc
> Failed to invoke /opt/ros/fuerte/bin/rospack deps-manifests
> depth_image_proc
> [rospack] Error: package/stack depth_image_proc depends on
> non-existent package pcl
Traveler Hauptman
/Computer Imaging
/traveler.hauptman at iit.it <mailto:traveler.hauptman at iit.it>
Via Morego, 30 16163 Genova
t: +39 010 71781929
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