[ros-users] Incomplete install instructions for Fuerte on Ubuntu
Ken Conley
kwc at kwc.org
Sun Apr 29 19:53:22 UTC 2012
On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Jack O'Quin <jack.oquin at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Ken Conley <kwc at willowgarage.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 8:26 AM, Jack O'Quin <jack.oquin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> There have been several questions on answers.ros.org which suggest
>>> that the Fuerte Ubuntu install instructions[1] need to mention the new
>>> versions of rosinstall, rosdep, rosemacs, etc.
>> Can you point out specific questions? I've scanned through and can't
>> get enough context to address these issues.
> http://answers.ros.org/question/32875/rosdep-command-not-found
>> The rosemacs page already documents how to get the new version. I
>> added a note to the fuerte page to more specifically call out that it
>> is a separate tool. I also added explicit installation sections to
>> rosdep and rosinstall wiki pages (previously you had to jump through
>> to the sphinx docs).
> Emacs users can figure out what to do once they realize it's no longer
> in the ROS install tree.
>>> The source install instructions[2] do mention rosdep in passing, but I
>>> see nothing clearly stating exactly what pip installs are required for
>>> people to develop code based on Fuerte binaries.
>> http://ros.org/wiki/fuerte/Installation/Ubuntu/Source#fuerte.2BAC8-Installation.2BAC8-rosinstall.rosinstall
>> "sudo easy_install -U rosinstall vcstools rospkg rosdep"
>> I'm not sure I understand the comment well enough to document anything
>> different (or where to add more breadcrumbs for people to find the
>> documentation they are looking for). The above is basically the union
>> of the rosinstall and rosdep installation instructions (NOTE: rospkg
>> is installed if you have Fuerte binaries).
> I'm not sure, either. People who install ROS core from binaries, but
> use or develop other source packages need to know about some pip
> installs. They do not appear on the Ubuntu install page.
I understand a little better now. I added a "Standalone tools" section
to the Ubuntu binary install page [1] that gives an easy_install
command for rosinstall and rosdep (rospkg is provided in the Fuerte
binary, though is safely overrideable with pip/easy_install). As all
other install instructions are source-based and thus have you install
those tools, this will hopefully be sufficient for getting people set
up. Thanks for pointing this out.
- Ken
[1]: http://ros.org/wiki/fuerte/Installation/Ubuntu
> --
> joq
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