[ros-users] installation of ros-diamondback-orocos-toolchain-ros for Xenomai

Santiago Focke focke.85 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 14:49:57 UTC 2012

Hi all

I just installed a Xenomai kernel and want to migrate my Ros-Orocos
projects, but I've had some troubles doing this. How should I install the
ros-diamondback-orocos-toolchain-ros for a xenomai target? When I install
it following the instructions in
http://www.ros.org/wiki/orocos_toolchain_ros and set the OROCOS-TARGET to
xenomai (before installation)

   export OROCOS_TARGET=xenomai
   sudo apt-get install ros-diamondback-orocos-toolchain-ros
   source /opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/orocos_toolchain_ros/env.sh

I'm not able to run the deployer-xenomai. Apparently, the installation is
not building the xenomai packages. What should I do to set correctly the
Orocos target? The versions I'm using are the following

Ubuntu 10.04 kernel
Xenomai 2.6.0
Ros diamonback

Thanks in advance.

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