[ros-users] rviz is moving to Qt, preview available

Ye Cheng cnhzcy14 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 15 15:52:27 UTC 2012

Hi Dirk,

I have opened a ticket <https://code.ros.org/trac/ros-pkg/ticket/5349>of my
matplotlib integration.


On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 6:06 PM, Dirk Thomas <mail at dirk-thomas.net> wrote:

>        I have taken some time to merge the matplotlib into ros-gui for
>> real-time  scalar data visualization. This is actually a simple version of
>> original rxplot. I think the plot quality is better
>>        than qwt:
>>        https://plus.google.com/u/0/**photos/110758615329253997840/**
>> albums/5687860553056164161/**5696030098198932738<https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/110758615329253997840/albums/5687860553056164161/5696030098198932738>
>>    The image looks great. Is the repository for this plugin available?
>>          And I'll soon implement rxbag in ros-gui.
>>    This would be a great plugin for ROS GUI.
>>    It would be one of the most important rx-tools yet missing in ROS GUI.
>>    May be it would be good to put this directly into the "ros_gui" stack?
>> I'd like to merge all my code in ros_gui stack. But what shall I do?
> I think the best way for now is that you send me the code (or later on
> diffs).
> I will then commit them to the ROS GUI repository.
>     I would hope the property editor widget could be used to edit
>> properties of lots of things in ROS_GUI, but I haven't tried it.  Also, I
>> haven't set up the Python bindings to happen for the
>>    property editor code yet, I don't know if that will be hard or easy.
>> This is very useful! But what if both two ros_gui plugins have a same
>> widget? Apparently loading a same widget twice is not efficient. At the
>> moment I don't think there is a communication scheme
>> between plugins in ros_gui. Am I right?
> Yes, that is right - there is no direct interface to access other plugins
> from within one plugin.
> But of course you can use a ROS topic to exchange arbitrary information.
> May be something like this might be added later on - this is still the
> first version of ROS GUI.
> There might be many useful additions which could be realized in the future.
>       And I'll soon implement rxbag in ros-gui.
> I will working on ROS GUI in the future quite a lot.
> So please keep me posted when you work on specific plugins in order to
> avoid duplicate work.
> E.g. a rxbag-like plugin is certainly one of the next plugins to be
> implemented.
> It might be a good idea to fill a feature request for specific plugins to
> keep track of what is already being worked on.
>     Good stuff!  I designed rxbag in such a way that it could be included
>> in a larger system, so hopefully that integration should be straightforward.
> Since ROS GUI is based on Qt and rxbag uses wxWidgets the actual UI and
> interaction logic must be reimplemented anyway.
> Dirk
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