[ros-users] Injecting user's issue tracker information into the ros build system.

Ken Conley kwc at willowgarage.com
Wed Jan 25 18:22:15 UTC 2012

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:33 AM, Daniel Stonier <d.stonier at gmail.com> wrote:

> I was wondering if we might inject url's for packages and stacks into the
> manifest.xml/stack.xml files like we do for a package's home page. For
> example,
> <tracker>
> https://github.com/stonier/zeroconf_implementations/issues?milestone=6&state=open
> </tracker>
> Ostensibly, this can *usually* be found from the home page url, but
> sometimes its not there, or it just takes time to track down. It's also
> informally pasted on alot of wiki pages, which does work. However, if it
> is formally embedded into the build system you could automate retrieval for
> the ros wiki pages (insert into 'Package Links') and other tools could find
> a use for it then too. This might help alleviate the problems people were
> having finding the correct issue tracker to report to that was recently
> discussed.

We can definitely add the tag to the parser.  In general, this sort of
metadata is hard to maintain as people end up doing a lot of
copy-and-paste.  For example, the <url> attribute is often incorrect, but
at the very least, it would provide an approach (as you suggest) for
nudging people to include this information (e.g. putting into release

 - Ken

> Might also want to differentiate from a browse issues link and a report
> issue link which would conveniently fill in alot of the blanks with correct
> arguments.
> Daniel.
> PS If it did go into a roswiki "Package Links" section for a package and
> the tag wasn't present in the manifest, then it'd be good to highlight it
> as a missing link to act as a gentle prod to developers that this link is
> important.
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