[ros-users] GUI to manage launch files, ROS nodes, topics, services and parameter

Alexander Tiderko alexander.tiderko at fkie.fraunhofer.de
Tue Jul 17 14:02:43 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I'd like to draw your attention to a GUI which allows the management of 
ROS nodes, topics, services and parameter. You can also use this GUI to 
run separate nodes configured by a ROS launch files, edit the launch 
files and easy search in all included files.
Combined with other tools of the multi_master_fkie stack it is possible 
to operate a network with multiple ROS masters.

This and other features are described on this info page: 

Alexander Tiderko

Dipl.-Inform. Alexander Tiderko
Unmanned Systems

Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and 
Ergonomics FKIE
Neuenahrer Str. 20 | 53343 Wachtberg | Germany
mailto:alexander.tiderko at fkie.fraunhofer.de

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