[ros-users] Announcing the geometric-relations-semantics stack

Tully Foote tfoote at willowgarage.com
Tue Jun 19 07:26:55 UTC 2012

Hi Tinne,

Thanks for the announcement.

-- Your friendly neighborhood ROS indexers

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 1:12 AM, Tinne De Laet <
tinne.delaet at mech.kuleuven.be> wrote:

> Dear ROS'er,
> With this email I want to announce the "geometric-relations-**semantics"
> software (http://www.orocos.org/wiki/**geometric-relations-semantics-**
> wiki <http://www.orocos.org/wiki/geometric-relations-semantics-wiki> and
> http://www.ros.org/wiki/**geometric_relations_semantics<http://www.ros.org/wiki/geometric_relations_semantics>
> )**.
> The geometric relations semantics software (C++) implements the
> geometric relation semantics theory, hereby offering support for
> semantic checks for your rigid body relations calculations. This will
> avoid commonly made errors, and hence reduce application and,
> especially, system integration development time considerably. The
> proposed software is to our knowledge the first to offer a semantic
> interface for geometric operation software libraries.
> The goal of the software is to provide semantic checking for
> calculations with geometric relations between rigid bodies on top of
> existing geometric libraries, which are only working on specific
> coordinate representations. Since there are already a lot of libraries
> with good support for geometric calculations on specific coordinate
> representations (The Orocos Kinematics and Dynamics library, the ROS
> geometry library, boost, ...) we do not want to design yet another
> library but rather will extend these existing geometric libraries with
> semantic support. The effort to extend an existing geometric library
> with semantic support is very limited: it boils down to the
> implementation of about six function template specializations.
> The software already includes orocos typekits and already supports the
> KDL geometry types and ROS geometry types.
> Furthermore, it is fully Orocos and ROS compatible.
> The wiki page
> (http://www.orocos.org/wiki/**geometric-relations-semantics-**wiki<http://www.orocos.org/wiki/geometric-relations-semantics-wiki>)
> contains
> background information, software design discussion, API, Quick start,
> User guide, tutorials, FAQs, and use cases.
> We will be happy to receive any kind of feedback!
> Kind regards,
> Tinne De Laet
> PS: The software is based on the paper  "Geometric Relations between
> Rigid Bodies: Semantics for Standardization" (available at
> http://people.mech.kuleuven.**be/~tdelaet/geometric_**
> relations_semantics/geometric_**relations_semantics_theory.pdf<http://people.mech.kuleuven.be/~tdelaet/geometric_relations_semantics/geometric_relations_semantics_theory.pdf>
> **),
> which is accepted for publication as a tutorial in IEEE Robotics and
> Automation Magazine.
> ______________________________**_________________
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Tully Foote
tfoote at willowgarage.com
(650) 475-2827
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