[ros-users] Multi robot simulation
Ryan Gariepy
rgariepy at clearpathrobotics.com
Sat Jun 30 15:46:25 UTC 2012
Yes, there are known minor deficiencies in a few plugins related to support
for the robotNamespace tag. We have fixes for both this and related
problems in the TurtleBot simulations, but haven't yet had time to release
proper diffs. If people want them, we can send the modified packages/files
for review, but it'll still be a bit of time if we're going to do all of
the review/comparisons ourselves.
We've also seen a few questions come up on ROS Answers related to this and
have answered some of them, usually with variants on the above. I've
answered here now since I'm finding generating/releasing piece-by-piece
patches for each fix we've made to be pushed further and further down our
priority list. If someone else is capable of reviewing what we've got, more
of the community might be able to benefit now.
*Ryan Gariepy* | Clearpath Robotics, Inc.
148 Manitou Dr., Suite 101B Kitchener, Ontario N2C 1L3 Canada
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On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 11:37 AM, marco.cognetti at libero.it <
marco.cognetti at libero.it> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Hello to everybody. I know this might be a question for rosanswer but
> anybody
> answered to me. SO, I try with this newsletter.
> I want to emulate multi-robot system with some robots equipped with
> cameras. I
> found gazebo_ros_prosilica is perfect for me since it uses opencv.
> I have a launch file that launches two xacro files
> <param name="quad_urdf"
> command="$(find xacro)/xacro.py
> '$(find package)/models/quadrotorWithCamera.xacro'"
> />
> <node name="spawn_quad0"
> pkg="gazebo" type="spawn_model"
> args="-urdf -param quad_urdf -model quad0 -x 0 -y 0 -z 3"
> respawn="false" output="screen">
> </node>
> <node name="spawn_quad1"
> pkg="gazebo" type="spawn_model"
> args="-urdf -param quad_urdf -model quad1 -x 1 -y 1 -z 3"
> respawn="false" output="screen">
> </node>
> The file quadrotorWithCamera.xacro loads a camera that publishes on
> /ptz/camera_info (as example of a topic).
> Obviously, both quadrotors will publish on the same topic and that's
> wrong. I
> see two solutions:
> 1) rename topic with remap. But it doesn't work. I set
> <node name="spawn_quad0"
> pkg="gazebo" type="spawn_model"
> args="-urdf -param quad_urdf -model quad0 -x 0 -y 0 -z 3
> -robotName quad0"
> respawn="false" output="screen">
> <remap from="ptz/camera_info" to="ptz/camera_info2"/>
> </node>
> in both node but if I run rostopic list /ptz/camera_info is still on while
> /ptz/camera_info2 has no topic published on it.
> I also tried to modify the "from" field with /gazebo/camera_info,
> ~/gazebo/camera_info ~/camera_info without any result.
> 2) Try to give as input to xacro file the robot name but it seems no input
> is
> available.
> Does anyone has the same problem? Could someone help me?
> I think it is a common problem using multi-robot simulation in ROS and I
> guess
> someone finds a solution. The trivial solution is to rewrite the controller
> using the parent->getName() as root for the publisher but I want to avoid
> it
> since it means I have to rewrite all the controller that are in ROS that I
> want
> to use.
> Thanks for any reply,
> Neostek
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