[ros-users] A customizable user interface for ROS
Jonathan Bohren
jonathan.bohren at gmail.com
Thu May 10 21:11:54 UTC 2012
Cool stuff!
-also jon
On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 3:53 PM, Jonathan Claassens
<jclaassens at csir.co.za>wrote:
> Hi All,
> For the past few months I've been developing a Python scriptable GUI for
> ROS that can substitute for RViz, but the main focus was to create
> something that would allow a developer to rapidly craft a user interface
> for a nontechnical user. It's still very early days and I'd hazard to call
> the repository even alpha yet, however anyone interested in having a look
> can find it at
> https://github.com/jonclaassens/cri/wiki
> Key features are that ROS nodes can submit scripts to the visualizer to
> associate them with standard rViz markers. Scripts can be made to execute
> when the marker is interacted with in a number of ways. The menu
> environment of the visualizer is written entirely in PyQT and interacts
> with a C++ core through published getter-setter functions and callbacks.
> I'll be maturing the program over the next few weeks and adding a few
> tutorials. Comments/suggestions/criticisms would be appreciated...
> Best regards
> Jon
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Jonathan Bohren
PhD Student
Dynamical Systems and Control Laboratory
Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics
The Johns Hopkins University
(707) 520-4736
jbo at jhu.edu
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