[ros-users] ccny-ros-pkg release: imu_tools

Ivan Dryanovski ivan.dryanovski at gmail.com
Sat Sep 1 03:35:16 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

We have put together a small stack with IMU-related tools, available here:


The stack contains two packages:

  * rviz_imu_plugin - A plugin for rviz which visualizes IMU messages, 
displaying sensor orientation and acceleration.

  * imu_filter_madgwick - a general-purpose filter which fuses angular 
velocities, linear accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic field 
readings into an orientation quaternion. We've tested this with a 
Phidgets Spatial 3/3/3 IMU sensor (phidgets stack also coming soon).

More info is available at the wiki pages. As always, we welcome any 
feedback and suggestions.



Ivan Dryanovski
Research Assistant, CCNY Robotics Lab
City University of New York (CUNY)

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