[ros-users] ccny-ros-pkg release: phidgets_drivers

Doug Sievers dwsievers at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 19:39:43 UTC 2012

Hi Ivan,

I've done some work with phidgets in ROS. Can you comment on differences
between your package and existing ones?

1) By Bob Mottram, rather extensive : https://launchpad.net/phidgets-ros-pkg
2) By Tully Foote, only RFID? : http://ros.org/wiki/phidgets


> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2012 23:10:42 -0400
> From: Ivan Dryanovski <ivan.dryanovski at gmail.com>
> To: User discussions <ros-users at code.ros.org>
> Subject: [ros-users] ccny-ros-pkg release: phidgets_drivers
> Message-ID: <504C08B2.8020706 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi everyone,
> We have put together a small stack with drivers for Phidgets devices:
> http://www.ros.org/wiki/phidgets_drivers
> The stack contains a package that downloads and installs the official
> Phidgets C API, as well as a C++ API which we've written on top of it.
> The C++ API provides a single Phidget class which specific devices can
> inherit from. We have currently implemented two Phidgets: the
> PhidgetSpatial 3/3/3 IMU and the Phidget IR, as well as ROS nodes for
> both of them.
> Extending the stack with more Phidget device classes should be fairly
> easy using the API.
> More info is available at the wiki pages. As always, we welcome any
> feedback and suggestions.
> Cheers,
> Ivan
> --
> Ivan Dryanovski
> Research Assistant, CCNY Robotics Lab
> City University of New York (CUNY)
> http://robotics.ccny.cuny.edu/People/Dryanovski
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