[ros-users] New packages released into fuerte, groovy, and hydro

Weißhardt, Florian Florian.Weisshardt at ipa.fraunhofer.de
Wed Apr 3 10:46:47 UTC 2013

Hi Tully and Lorenz,


is there a specific reason why ros-groovy-client-rosjava-jni : 0.1.10 has been removed from groovy? Will it be included again in the next release update or is it deprecated? The wiki page http://www.ros.org/wiki/rosjava_jni?distro=groovy doesn't say anything about it. 


We are using this package for one of our driver nodes, so it would be great to have it back.


Best regards,




Von: ros-users-bounces at code.ros.org [mailto:ros-users-bounces at code.ros.org] Im Auftrag von Tully Foote
Gesendet: Sonntag, 31. März 2013 03:49
An: User discussions
Betreff: [ros-users] New packages released into fuerte, groovy, and hydro


Hi Everyone, 


There have been many packages updated in Fuerte, Groovy, and the Hydro(pre alpha) repositories.  Please see the below listings of updates.  


~ Your friendly ROS buildfarm team. 



Packages Added: 

ros-fuerte-ml-classifiers : 0.2.0


Packages Removed: 

ros-fuerte-cram-core : 0.1.8

ros-fuerte-kobuki-msgs : 0.1.6

ros-fuerte-moveit-msgs : 0.2.8

ros-fuerte-roslisp-common : 0.2.1

ros-fuerte-roslisp-support : 0.3.1


Packages Updated: 

ros-fuerte-ar-track-alvar : 0.3.0 -> 0.5.0

ros-fuerte-catkin : 0.4.5 -> 0.4.6

ros-fuerte-dmp : 0.3.0 -> 0.5.0

ros-fuerte-ecto : 0.5.3 -> 0.5.5

ros-fuerte-ecto-image-pipeline : 0.4.8 -> 0.4.11

ros-fuerte-ecto-opencv : 0.4.21 -> 0.4.23

ros-fuerte-ecto-pcl : 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10

ros-fuerte-fcl : 0.2.3 -> 0.2.8

ros-fuerte-hector-gazebo : 0.1.2 -> 0.1.3

ros-fuerte-linux-networking : 0.1.17 -> 0.1.18

ros-fuerte-object-recognition-capture : 0.2.18 -> 0.2.21

ros-fuerte-object-recognition-core : 0.4.18 -> 0.5.1

ros-fuerte-object-recognition-linemod : 0.2.9 -> 0.2.11

ros-fuerte-object-recognition-msgs : 0.3.13 -> 0.3.19

ros-fuerte-object-recognition-reconstruction : 0.2.20 -> 0.2.22

ros-fuerte-object-recognition-renderer : 0.1.8 -> 0.1.11

ros-fuerte-object-recognition-ros : 0.1.13 -> 0.2.0

ros-fuerte-object-recognition-tabletop : 0.2.17 -> 0.2.21

ros-fuerte-object-recognition-tod : 0.4.12 -> 0.4.14

ros-fuerte-object-recognition-transparent-objects : 0.3.12 -> 0.3.14

ros-fuerte-robhum-ui-utils : 0.1.5 -> 0.1.7

ros-fuerte-ros : 1.8.10 -> 1.8.11

ros-fuerte-ros-comm : 1.8.15 -> 1.8.16

ros-fuerte-speakeasy : 0.1.1 -> 0.1.3

ros-fuerte-sr-ronex : ->

ros-fuerte-velo-gripper : 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1




Packages Added: 

ros-groovy-camera-info-manager-py : 0.2.0

ros-groovy-sphero-bringup : 0.1.2

ros-groovy-yujin-maps : 0.1.0


Packages Removed: 

ros-groovy-client-rosjava-jni : 0.1.10


Packages Updated: 

ros-groovy-arbotix : 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2

ros-groovy-arbotix-controllers : 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2

ros-groovy-arbotix-firmware : 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2

ros-groovy-arbotix-msgs : 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2

ros-groovy-arbotix-python : 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2

ros-groovy-arbotix-sensors : 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2

ros-groovy-calibration : 0.9.26 -> 0.9.27

ros-groovy-calibration-estimation : 0.9.26 -> 0.9.27

ros-groovy-calibration-launch : 0.9.26 -> 0.9.27

ros-groovy-calibration-msgs : 0.9.26 -> 0.9.27

ros-groovy-catkin : 0.5.63 -> 0.5.65

ros-groovy-class-loader : 0.1.27 -> 0.1.28

ros-groovy-console-bridge : 0.1.3 -> 0.1.4

ros-groovy-cpp-common : 0.3.12 -> 0.3.14

ros-groovy-dynamic-reconfigure : 1.5.31 -> 1.5.32

ros-groovy-geographic-info : 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1

ros-groovy-image-cb-detector : 0.9.26 -> 0.9.27

ros-groovy-interval-intersection : 0.9.26 -> 0.9.27

ros-groovy-joint-states-settler : 0.9.26 -> 0.9.27

ros-groovy-kobuki-description : 0.3.1 -> 0.3.2

ros-groovy-laser-cb-detector : 0.9.26 -> 0.9.27

ros-groovy-message-filters : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-mk : 1.9.42 -> 1.9.45

ros-groovy-monocam-settler : 0.9.26 -> 0.9.27

ros-groovy-object-recognition-core : 0.5.0 -> 0.5.1

ros-groovy-object-recognition-msgs : 0.3.18 -> 0.3.19

ros-groovy-pluginlib : 1.9.18 -> 1.9.19

ros-groovy-pr2-calibration : 1.4.0 -> 1.4.1

ros-groovy-pr2-self-test : 0.4.0 -> 0.4.1

ros-groovy-qt-dotgraph : 0.2.12 -> 0.2.14

ros-groovy-qt-gui : 0.2.12 -> 0.2.14

ros-groovy-qt-gui-app : 0.2.12 -> 0.2.14

ros-groovy-qt-gui-core : 0.2.12 -> 0.2.14

ros-groovy-qt-gui-cpp : 0.2.12 -> 0.2.14

ros-groovy-qt-gui-py-common : 0.2.12 -> 0.2.14

ros-groovy-ros : 1.9.42 -> 1.9.45

ros-groovy-ros-comm : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-ros-tutorials : 0.3.9 -> 0.3.12

ros-groovy-rosbag : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-rosbash : 1.9.42 -> 1.9.45

ros-groovy-rosboost-cfg : 1.9.42 -> 1.9.45

ros-groovy-rosbuild : 1.9.42 -> 1.9.45

ros-groovy-rosclean : 1.9.42 -> 1.9.45

ros-groovy-rosconsole : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-roscpp : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-roscpp-core : 0.3.12 -> 0.3.14

ros-groovy-roscpp-serialization : 0.3.12 -> 0.3.14

ros-groovy-roscpp-traits : 0.3.12 -> 0.3.14

ros-groovy-roscpp-tutorials : 0.3.9 -> 0.3.12

ros-groovy-roscreate : 1.9.42 -> 1.9.45

ros-groovy-rosgraph : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-rosgraph-msgs : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-roslang : 1.9.42 -> 1.9.45

ros-groovy-roslaunch : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-roslib : 1.9.42 -> 1.9.45

ros-groovy-rosmake : 1.9.42 -> 1.9.45

ros-groovy-rosmaster : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-rosmsg : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-rosnode : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-rosout : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-rospack : 2.1.16 -> 2.1.18

ros-groovy-rosparam : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-rospy : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-rospy-tutorials : 0.3.9 -> 0.3.12

ros-groovy-rosservice : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-rostest : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-rostime : 0.3.12 -> 0.3.14

ros-groovy-rostopic : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-rosunit : 1.9.42 -> 1.9.45

ros-groovy-roswtf : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-settlerlib : 0.9.26 -> 0.9.27

ros-groovy-sphero-description : 0.1.1 -> 0.1.2

ros-groovy-sphero-driver : 0.1.1 -> 0.1.2

ros-groovy-sphero-node : 0.1.1 -> 0.1.2

ros-groovy-std-srvs : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-topic-tools : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44

ros-groovy-turtlebot : 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1

ros-groovy-turtlebot-viz : 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1

ros-groovy-turtlesim : 0.3.9 -> 0.3.12

ros-groovy-xmlrpcpp : 1.9.41 -> 1.9.44




Packages Added: 

ros-hydro-angles : 1.9.9

ros-hydro-camera-info-manager-py : 0.2.0

ros-hydro-collada-urdf : 1.10.3

ros-hydro-depthimage-to-laserscan : 1.0.4

ros-hydro-ecto-image-pipeline : 0.4.11

ros-hydro-ecto-opencv : 0.4.23

ros-hydro-ecto-pcl : 0.3.10

ros-hydro-flann : 1.8.4

ros-hydro-image-rotate : 1.10.7

ros-hydro-korg-nanokontrol : 0.1.1

ros-hydro-laser-proc : 0.1.2

ros-hydro-libg2o : 2013.03.21

ros-hydro-object-recognition-capture : 0.2.21

ros-hydro-object-recognition-core : 0.5.1

ros-hydro-object-recognition-msgs : 0.3.19

ros-hydro-opencv-candidate : 0.1.8

ros-hydro-pcl : 1.6.0

ros-hydro-pcl-msgs : 0.0.3

ros-hydro-rqt-nav-view : 0.2.9

ros-hydro-rqt-pose-view : 0.2.9

ros-hydro-rqt-robot-dashboard : 0.2.9

ros-hydro-rqt-robot-monitor : 0.2.9

ros-hydro-rqt-robot-steering : 0.2.9

ros-hydro-rqt-runtime-monitor : 0.2.9

ros-hydro-sicktoolbox : 1.0.102

ros-hydro-tf : 1.9.29

ros-hydro-timestamp-tools : 1.6.5

ros-hydro-unique-id : 1.0.1

ros-hydro-urg-c : 1.0.401

ros-hydro-urg-node : 0.1.2

ros-hydro-uuid-msgs : 1.0.1


Packages Removed: 


Packages Updated: 

ros-hydro-catkin : 0.5.64 -> 0.5.65

ros-hydro-cpp-common : 0.3.13 -> 0.3.14

ros-hydro-dynamic-reconfigure : 1.5.31 -> 1.5.32

ros-hydro-message-filters : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-mk : 1.9.44 -> 1.10.0

ros-hydro-pluginlib : 1.9.18 -> 1.9.19

ros-hydro-qt-dotgraph : 0.2.12 -> 0.2.14

ros-hydro-qt-gui : 0.2.12 -> 0.2.14

ros-hydro-qt-gui-app : 0.2.12 -> 0.2.14

ros-hydro-qt-gui-core : 0.2.12 -> 0.2.14

ros-hydro-qt-gui-cpp : 0.2.12 -> 0.2.14

ros-hydro-qt-gui-py-common : 0.2.12 -> 0.2.14

ros-hydro-ros : 1.9.44 -> 1.10.0

ros-hydro-ros-comm : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-ros-tutorials : 0.3.10 -> 0.3.11

ros-hydro-rosbag : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-rosbash : 1.9.44 -> 1.10.0

ros-hydro-rosboost-cfg : 1.9.44 -> 1.10.0

ros-hydro-rosbuild : 1.9.44 -> 1.10.0

ros-hydro-rosclean : 1.9.44 -> 1.10.0

ros-hydro-rosconsole : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-roscpp : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-roscpp-core : 0.3.13 -> 0.3.14

ros-hydro-roscpp-serialization : 0.3.13 -> 0.3.14

ros-hydro-roscpp-traits : 0.3.13 -> 0.3.14

ros-hydro-roscpp-tutorials : 0.3.10 -> 0.3.11

ros-hydro-roscreate : 1.9.44 -> 1.10.0

ros-hydro-rosgraph : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-rosgraph-msgs : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-roslang : 1.9.44 -> 1.10.0

ros-hydro-roslaunch : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-roslib : 1.9.44 -> 1.10.0

ros-hydro-rosmake : 1.9.44 -> 1.10.0

ros-hydro-rosmaster : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-rosmsg : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-rosnode : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-rosout : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-rospack : 2.1.17 -> 2.1.18

ros-hydro-rosparam : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-rospy : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-rospy-tutorials : 0.3.10 -> 0.3.11

ros-hydro-rosservice : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-rostest : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-rostime : 0.3.13 -> 0.3.14

ros-hydro-rostopic : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-rosunit : 1.9.44 -> 1.10.0

ros-hydro-roswtf : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-std-srvs : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-topic-tools : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44

ros-hydro-turtlesim : 0.3.10 -> 0.3.11

ros-hydro-unique-identifier : 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1

ros-hydro-xmlrpcpp : 1.9.43 -> 1.9.44


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