[ros-users] Hydro Approaching Beta

Tully Foote tfoote at osrfoundation.org
Tue Jul 16 00:13:58 UTC 2013

Hi Everyone,

This is a quick update on the status of the Hydro release cycle.

We are closing in on the Beta release.  We have had over 300 packages
updated in the last two weeks for Hydro.  For the full list see below.  The
outstanding tickets can be found at:

I'd like to extend a special thanks to all the maintainers who are working
hard to get this out.  It's been a great group effort.  There have been
over 3 dozen people working on the release repo in the last month with more
than 400 commits. https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/pulse/monthly

Maintainers please start aggregating Migration notes on this page if there
are changes that the community should be aware of:

Your ROS Release Team

The list of updated packages:

Packages Added:
ros-hydro-actionlib-tutorials : 0.1.6
ros-hydro-amcl : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-base-local-planner : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-carrot-planner : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-clear-costmap-recovery : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-clearpath-bringup : 0.3.0
ros-hydro-clearpath-common : 0.3.0
ros-hydro-clearpath-teleop : 0.3.0
ros-hydro-cmd-vel-mux : 0.3.0
ros-hydro-common-tutorials : 0.1.6
ros-hydro-costmap-2d : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-create-dashboard : 2.1.0
ros-hydro-create-description : 2.1.0
ros-hydro-create-driver : 2.1.0
ros-hydro-create-gazebo-plugins : 2.1.0
ros-hydro-create-node : 2.1.0
ros-hydro-desktop : 1.0.0
ros-hydro-dwa-local-planner : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-eband-local-planner : 0.1.1
ros-hydro-eml : 0.36.0
ros-hydro-ethercat-hardware : 1.8.1
ros-hydro-ethercat-trigger-controllers : 1.10.4
ros-hydro-fake-localization : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-fingertip-pressure : 1.8.1
ros-hydro-gazebo-ros-control : 2.1.4
ros-hydro-global-planner : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-imu-monitor : 1.6.1
ros-hydro-joint-trajectory-action : 1.10.4
ros-hydro-kobuki : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-arm : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-auto-docking : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-bumper2pc : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-controller-tutorial : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-dashboard : 0.2.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-description : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-desktop : 0.2.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-driver : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-ftdi : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-gazebo : 0.2.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-gazebo-plugins : 0.2.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-keyop : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-msgs : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-node : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-qtestsuite : 0.2.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-safety-controller : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-kobuki-softnode : 0.0.1
ros-hydro-kobuki-testsuite : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-libuvc : 0.0.1
ros-hydro-linux-hardware : 2.1.0
ros-hydro-map-server : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-map-store : 0.3.0
ros-hydro-mobile : 1.0.0
ros-hydro-move-base : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-move-base-msgs : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-move-slow-and-clear : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-moveit-commander : 0.4.2
ros-hydro-moveit-full : 0.4.1
ros-hydro-moveit-full-pr2 : 0.4.1
ros-hydro-moveit-ikfast : 3.0.2
ros-hydro-moveit-planners : 0.5.0
ros-hydro-moveit-planners-ompl : 0.5.0
ros-hydro-moveit-plugins : 0.4.1
ros-hydro-moveit-pr2 : 0.5.1
ros-hydro-moveit-resources : 0.4.1
ros-hydro-moveit-ros : 0.5.2
ros-hydro-moveit-ros-benchmarks : 0.5.2
ros-hydro-moveit-ros-benchmarks-gui : 0.5.2
ros-hydro-moveit-ros-manipulation : 0.5.2
ros-hydro-moveit-ros-move-group : 0.5.2
ros-hydro-moveit-ros-perception : 0.5.2
ros-hydro-moveit-ros-planning : 0.5.2
ros-hydro-moveit-ros-planning-interface : 0.5.2
ros-hydro-moveit-ros-robot-interaction : 0.5.2
ros-hydro-moveit-ros-visualization : 0.5.2
ros-hydro-moveit-ros-warehouse : 0.5.2
ros-hydro-moveit-setup-assistant : 0.5.0
ros-hydro-moveit-simple-controller-manager : 0.4.1
ros-hydro-nav-core : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-navfn : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-navigation : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-nodelet-tutorial-math : 0.1.6
ros-hydro-openni-tracker : 0.2.0
ros-hydro-pcl-conversions : 0.1.4
ros-hydro-pr2-bringup : 1.6.1
ros-hydro-pr2-calibration-controllers : 1.10.4
ros-hydro-pr2-camera-synchronizer : 1.6.1
ros-hydro-pr2-computer-monitor : 1.6.1
ros-hydro-pr2-controller-configuration : 1.6.1
ros-hydro-pr2-controllers : 1.10.4
ros-hydro-pr2-controllers-msgs : 1.10.4
ros-hydro-pr2-ethercat : 1.6.1
ros-hydro-pr2-ethercat-drivers : 1.8.1
ros-hydro-pr2-gripper-action : 1.10.4
ros-hydro-pr2-head-action : 1.10.4
ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism-controllers : 1.10.4
ros-hydro-pr2-moveit-config : 0.5.1
ros-hydro-pr2-moveit-plugins : 0.5.1
ros-hydro-pr2-moveit-tutorials : 0.5.1
ros-hydro-pr2-robot : 1.6.1
ros-hydro-pr2-run-stop-auto-restart : 1.6.1
ros-hydro-robot-mechanism-controllers : 1.10.4
ros-hydro-robot-pose-ekf : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-rotate-recovery : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-rqt-moveit : 0.2.16
ros-hydro-rqt-pr2-dashboard : 0.2.4
ros-hydro-rqt-tf-tree : 0.2.16
ros-hydro-single-joint-position-action : 1.10.4
ros-hydro-test-rosbag : 1.9.47
ros-hydro-test-roscpp : 1.9.47
ros-hydro-test-rosgraph : 1.9.47
ros-hydro-test-roslaunch : 1.9.47
ros-hydro-test-roslib-comm : 1.9.47
ros-hydro-test-rosmaster : 1.9.47
ros-hydro-test-rosparam : 1.9.47
ros-hydro-test-rospy : 1.9.47
ros-hydro-test-rosservice : 1.9.47
ros-hydro-turtle-actionlib : 0.1.6
ros-hydro-turtlebot : 2.1.0
ros-hydro-turtlebot-bringup : 2.1.0
ros-hydro-turtlebot-create : 2.1.0
ros-hydro-turtlebot-create-desktop : 2.1.0
ros-hydro-turtlebot-description : 2.1.0
ros-hydro-turtlebot-interactive-markers : 2.1.0
ros-hydro-turtlebot-rviz-launchers : 2.1.0
ros-hydro-viz : 1.0.0
ros-hydro-voxel-grid : 1.11.1
ros-hydro-wge100-camera : 1.8.1
ros-hydro-wge100-camera-firmware : 1.8.1
ros-hydro-wge100-driver : 1.8.1
ros-hydro-yocs-controllers : 0.3.0
ros-hydro-yocs-diff-drive-pose-controller : 0.3.0
ros-hydro-yocs-velocity-smoother : 0.3.0
ros-hydro-yujin-ocs : 0.3.0

Packages Removed:
ros-hydro-flann : 1.8.4
ros-hydro-gazebo : 1.8.6
ros-hydro-learning-actionlib : 0.1.4
ros-hydro-test-tf2 : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-velodyne : 1.0.1
ros-hydro-velodyne-pointcloud : 1.0.1

Packages Updated:
ros-hydro-actionlib-msgs : 1.9.16 -> 1.10.0
ros-hydro-camera-calibration : 1.10.10 -> 1.11.0
ros-hydro-catkin : 0.5.67 -> 0.5.70
ros-hydro-class-loader : 0.2.1 -> 0.2.2
ros-hydro-collada-parser : 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
ros-hydro-collada-urdf : 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
ros-hydro-common-msgs : 1.9.16 -> 1.10.0
ros-hydro-cpp-common : 0.3.15 -> 0.3.16
ros-hydro-depth-image-proc : 1.10.10 -> 1.11.0
ros-hydro-diagnostic-msgs : 1.9.16 -> 1.10.0
ros-hydro-ecl-command-line : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-concepts : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-containers : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-converters : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-core : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-core-apps : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-devices : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-eigen : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-exceptions : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-formatters : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-geometry : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-ipc : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-linear-algebra : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-math : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-mpl : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-sigslots : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-statistics : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-streams : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-threads : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-time : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-type-traits : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecl-utilities : 0.60.3 -> 0.60.5
ros-hydro-ecto-pcl : 0.3.10 -> 0.3.11
ros-hydro-eigen-conversions : 1.9.31 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-gazebo-msgs : 2.0.2 -> 2.1.4
ros-hydro-gazebo-plugins : 2.0.2 -> 2.1.4
ros-hydro-gazebo-ros : 2.0.2 -> 2.1.4
ros-hydro-gazebo-ros-pkgs : 2.0.2 -> 2.1.4
ros-hydro-genmsg : 0.4.20 -> 0.4.21
ros-hydro-genpy : 0.4.12 -> 0.4.13
ros-hydro-geometry : 1.9.31 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-geometry-experimental : 0.4.0 -> 0.4.5
ros-hydro-geometry-msgs : 1.9.16 -> 1.10.0
ros-hydro-image-pipeline : 1.10.10 -> 1.11.0
ros-hydro-image-proc : 1.10.10 -> 1.11.0
ros-hydro-image-rotate : 1.10.10 -> 1.11.0
ros-hydro-image-view : 1.10.10 -> 1.11.0
ros-hydro-joint-state-publisher : 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
ros-hydro-kdl-conversions : 1.9.31 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-kdl-parser : 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
ros-hydro-message-filters : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-mk : 1.10.2 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-moveit-core : 0.4.4 -> 0.5.0
ros-hydro-moveit-msgs : 0.4.0 -> 0.5.0
ros-hydro-nav-msgs : 1.9.16 -> 1.10.0
ros-hydro-nodelet : 1.7.15 -> 1.8.0
ros-hydro-nodelet-core : 1.7.15 -> 1.8.0
ros-hydro-nodelet-topic-tools : 1.7.15 -> 1.8.0
ros-hydro-object-recognition-core : 0.5.3 -> 0.5.4
ros-hydro-object-recognition-reconstruction : 0.2.24 -> 0.2.26
ros-hydro-octomap-msgs : 0.3.0 -> 0.3.1
ros-hydro-pcl : 1.6.0 -> 1.7.0
ros-hydro-pcl-msgs : 0.0.3 -> 0.1.0
ros-hydro-pcl-ros : 1.0.34 -> 1.1.1
ros-hydro-perception-pcl : 1.0.34 -> 1.1.1
ros-hydro-pluginlib : 1.9.20 -> 1.9.21
ros-hydro-pluginlib-tutorials : 0.1.4 -> 0.1.6
ros-hydro-pr2-controller-interface : 1.8.1 -> 1.8.4
ros-hydro-pr2-controller-manager : 1.8.1 -> 1.8.4
ros-hydro-pr2-hardware-interface : 1.8.1 -> 1.8.4
ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism : 1.8.1 -> 1.8.4
ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism-diagnostics : 1.8.1 -> 1.8.4
ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism-model : 1.8.1 -> 1.8.4
ros-hydro-prosilica-camera : 1.9.1 -> 1.9.3
ros-hydro-resource-retriever : 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
ros-hydro-robot-model : 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
ros-hydro-ros : 1.10.2 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-ros-comm : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-rosbag : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-rosbash : 1.10.2 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-rosboost-cfg : 1.10.2 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-rosbuild : 1.10.2 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-rosclean : 1.10.2 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-rosconsole : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-roscpp : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-roscpp-core : 0.3.15 -> 0.3.16
ros-hydro-roscpp-serialization : 0.3.15 -> 0.3.16
ros-hydro-roscpp-traits : 0.3.15 -> 0.3.16
ros-hydro-roscreate : 1.10.2 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-rosgraph : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-rosgraph-msgs : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-rosjava-tools : 0.1.6 -> 0.1.7
ros-hydro-roslang : 1.10.2 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-roslaunch : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-roslib : 1.10.2 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-rosmake : 1.10.2 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-rosmaster : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-rosmsg : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-rosnode : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-rosout : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-rospack : 2.1.19 -> 2.1.21
ros-hydro-rosparam : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-rospy : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-rosservice : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-rostest : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-rostime : 0.3.15 -> 0.3.16
ros-hydro-rostopic : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-rosunit : 1.10.2 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-roswtf : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-rqt-action : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-bag : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-bag-plugins : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-common-plugins : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-console : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-dep : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-graph : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-image-view : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-launch : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-logger-level : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-msg : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-nav-view : 0.2.9 -> 0.2.16
ros-hydro-rqt-plot : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-pose-view : 0.2.9 -> 0.2.16
ros-hydro-rqt-publisher : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-py-common : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-py-console : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-reconfigure : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-robot-dashboard : 0.2.9 -> 0.2.16
ros-hydro-rqt-robot-monitor : 0.2.9 -> 0.2.16
ros-hydro-rqt-robot-plugins : 0.2.9 -> 0.2.16
ros-hydro-rqt-robot-steering : 0.2.9 -> 0.2.16
ros-hydro-rqt-runtime-monitor : 0.2.9 -> 0.2.16
ros-hydro-rqt-rviz : 0.2.9 -> 0.2.16
ros-hydro-rqt-service-caller : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-shell : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-srv : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-topic : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rqt-web : 0.2.16 -> 0.2.17
ros-hydro-segbot : 0.1.0 -> 0.1.4
ros-hydro-segbot-apps : 0.1.0 -> 0.1.2
ros-hydro-segbot-bringup : 0.1.0 -> 0.1.4
ros-hydro-segbot-description : 0.1.0 -> 0.1.4
ros-hydro-segbot-navigation : 0.1.0 -> 0.1.2
ros-hydro-segbot-sensors : 0.1.0 -> 0.1.4
ros-hydro-sensor-msgs : 1.9.16 -> 1.10.0
ros-hydro-shape-msgs : 1.9.16 -> 1.10.0
ros-hydro-std-srvs : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-stereo-image-proc : 1.10.10 -> 1.11.0
ros-hydro-stereo-msgs : 1.9.16 -> 1.10.0
ros-hydro-tf : 1.9.31 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-tf-conversions : 1.9.31 -> 1.10.4
ros-hydro-tf2 : 0.4.0 -> 0.4.5
ros-hydro-tf2-bullet : 0.4.0 -> 0.4.5
ros-hydro-tf2-geometry-msgs : 0.4.0 -> 0.4.5
ros-hydro-tf2-kdl : 0.4.0 -> 0.4.5
ros-hydro-tf2-msgs : 0.4.0 -> 0.4.5
ros-hydro-tf2-py : 0.4.0 -> 0.4.5
ros-hydro-tf2-ros : 0.4.0 -> 0.4.5
ros-hydro-tf2-tools : 0.4.0 -> 0.4.5
ros-hydro-topic-tools : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
ros-hydro-trajectory-msgs : 1.9.16 -> 1.10.0
ros-hydro-urdf : 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
ros-hydro-urdf-parser-plugin : 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
ros-hydro-visualization-msgs : 1.9.16 -> 1.10.0
ros-hydro-warehouse-ros : 0.8.0 -> 0.8.4
ros-hydro-xmlrpcpp : 1.9.46 -> 1.9.47
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