[ros-users] Ros Roadmap Information
Marcus Liebhardt
marcus.liebhardt at yujinrobot.com
Tue Nov 12 05:16:56 UTC 2013
Any objections to linking to the roadmap from the front page?
IMO it is interesting for new and current users and developers to know
where the journey leads to.
What about this:
* Install
* Getting Started
* ...
* Support
* _Roadmap_
On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 12:07 PM, Daniel Stonier <d.stonier at gmail.com>wrote:
> On 12 November 2013 06:41, Dirk Thomas <dthomas at osrfoundation.org> wrote:
>> The wiki page was simply pretty outdated.
>> I have updated the ROS/Roadmap wiki page with current information:
>> http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Roadmap
>> Please feel free to discuss any further information which would be useful
>> on that page.
>> - Dirk
> Awesome Dirk.
> I put in a redirect from wiki.ros.org/Roadmap to that page.
> I also added some notes at the bottom of the distributions timeline page<http://wiki.ros.org/Distributions/Timeline>to more quickly grasp what the ROS+1's, ROS+2's and Betas were all about
> since I found myself having to explain it reasonably often.
> Let me know if I've interpreted that, or the intent of the staggering
> incorrectly and I'll update it.
> Cheers,
> Daniel.
>> On 08.11.2013 21:38, Daniel Stonier wrote:
>>> I've always struggled to locate the following information every time I
>>> go searching:
>>> * When are the next rosdistro releases due?
>>> * What platforms are they going to be running on?
>>> * What underlying dependency shifts are looming (e.g. python3)?
>>> The first thing I do is google 'ros roadmap'. I just watched a colleague
>>> go looking for the same information and also googled those exact same
>>> keywords. Probably others do also.
>>> What they get you at #1 is http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Roadmap which
>>> doesn't provide recent or new information, but is now information about a
>>> legacy process that is not marked as legacy - confusing. And
>>> then you have to really start digging to answer the questions above.
>>> The information can be found from the ros main page (
>>> http://wiki.ros.org/) under 'Distributions' which isn't entirely
>>> obvious. Important pages being:
>>> * http://wiki.ros.org/Distributions
>>> * http://wiki.ros.org/Distributions/Timeline
>>> * http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0003.html (which could do with an
>>> update for indigo/j-turtle)
>>> To make it more visible, can we:
>>> * Forward wiki.ros.org/ROS/Roadmap <http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Roadmap>
>>> -> wiki.ros.org/Roadmap <http://wiki.ros.org/Roadmap>
>>> * Add links for the above to that page?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Daniel/Yujin.
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