[ros-users] Install ROS on linux
Roberto Nunnari
roberto.nunnari at supsi.ch
Tue Jan 21 19:08:33 UTC 2014
Dear William,
thank you for your answer.
maybe I get it wrong.. but your answer is not what I'm asking for.
I already have been to answers.ros.org and already got no useful answer
to my question.
Maybe I should rephrase, because it seams that nobody understands my
The page you sent the link to me... Already the first command is
apt-get.. to get the tool needed to build from sources..
apt-get install python-rosdep python-rosinstall-generator python-wstool
python-rosinstall build-essential
so that you can start with 'rosedep init'..
But where do I get those tools without using the ubuntu repositories and
apt? I also tried the yum package manager (following the relative doc on
ros.org website) but it fails to find the repositories.
Why nobody replies my question by writing here the vcs or tarball url to
the source? Or put it on a web page, so that people don't have to ask?
Why do I have to use the ubuntu repositories? This is the first
opensource project I see that is so strongly tied to canonical's ubuntu.
I have written I'm on centos, I don't have and don't want to use apt,
yum, rpm, or whatever package manager tool.. I just want to download the
source using git, svn, ftp, scp, wget, or any other tool for
transferring data from the network.
I don't want to sound rude.. I'm grateful for this wonderful project to
be freely available to everybody.. but I find that the url to the
sources should be well published and visible.. together with a generic
linux build and install guide.. usually it's just a matter of
downloading a tarball, extract it, cd into it and type 'make install'..
at times you may need to do it the hard way.. you have to type
'./configure --prefix=/blahblah ; make ; make install' I understand this
is python.. it is an interpreted language and it may be different.. but
usually it's enough to type 'python setup.py' (or something similar)..
and that's it.
At the end I found the sources by going to google and typing ros
github.. and there I found at the very top 'rosdistro', witch I believe
and hope is what I need.. do you believe that's normal? Why I could not
find on ros.org this link: https://github.com/ros/rosdistro.git
I'm sure I still have to fight my way to understand what to do with it,
now that I could grab the sources (maybe wrong sources? :-D )
Sorry.. I'm just very tired.. it's late and now I'll go home.
Best regards.
William Woodall wrote:
> Instructions on getting the source code and building it are located
> here: http://wiki.ros.org/hydro/Installation/Source
> In the future please ask questions like this on the Q&A site,
> answers.ros.org <http://answers.ros.org>. See: http://wiki.ros.org/Support
> Thanks,
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 9:42 AM, Roberto Nunnari <roberto.nunnari at supsi.ch
> <mailto:roberto.nunnari at supsi.ch>> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I'd like to install ROS on our department HPC cluster. The cluster OS
>> is CentOS 6.4.
>> $ uname -rms
>> Linux 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64 x86_64
>> $ cat /etc/redhat-release
>> CentOS release 6.4 (Final)
>> Could anybody please tell me
>> 1) where to get the sources (git or tarballs)
>> 2) what tarballs (source or binaries) to download for a minimal install
>> 3) the build/install procedure (at least the big picture)
>> Thank you and best regards.
>> Robi
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