[ros-users] pr2_moveit history
Bence Magyar
mw.mzperx at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 19:15:42 UTC 2014
Most of the components and functionalities of pr2_object_manipulation is
now spread across other packages.
As for the perception part, detecting/segmenting tables, getting the
clusters can be found in the Object Recognition Kitchen, and to complement
it a not (yet) official package is the following which contains the object
point cloud clustering & bounding box generation.
Similar functionality for grasp planning can be found here:
The way I see it now, is that a pr2_object_manipulation metapackage should
contain a pr2_moveit_config (config files for moveit),
pr2_object_recognition (config files for ORK), and a package that wraps all
this up in a state machine like we did with the REEM (
https://github.com/pal-robotics/reem_tabletop_grasping) while the rest can
be taken from the repository packages mentioned above.
2014-07-25 20:47 GMT+02:00 Dan Lazewatsky <lazewatd at engr.orst.edu>:
> I believe the intention was for the functionality of
> pr2_object_manipulation to be re-implemented with moveit, but it seems that
> never happened. I would love to see pr2_object_manipulation brought up to
> hydro whether or not it is backed by moveit.
> -Dan
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Devon Ash <noobaca2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi developers,
>> Is pr2_moveit originally developed from pr2_object_manipulation?
>> I'm curious if there are those out there who want pr2_object_manipulation
>> into hydro, or if pr2_moveit replaces that functionality.
>> Side note: about the pr2-users being down, we're getting it back up
>> asap, my knowledge of linux fell short when setting up the Mailman server.
>> -Dash.
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