[ros-users] Tutorial on ROS Testing

Edwards, Shaun M. sedwards at swri.org
Fri Mar 14 21:38:37 UTC 2014

Excellent presentation, +1 to posting this on the wiki.

Shaun Edwards
Senior Research Engineer
Manufacturing System Department

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From: ros-users-bounces at lists.ros.org [mailto:ros-users-bounces at lists.ros.org] On Behalf Of Jonathan Bohren
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 2:35 PM
To: User discussions
Subject: Re: [ros-users] Tutorial on ROS Testing

I was definitely just thinking about writing something like this. Thanks for putting it together! Can you post it on the ROS wiki under development / contributing (http://wiki.ros.org/Get%20Involved)?

It's pretty reasonable for ROS package maintainers to not want to merge a contribution until it's paired with a unit test, so it's really important that anyone who wants to give back to the community is aware of these sort of tools and design patterns.

As another (very recent) real-world example, see here for a feature contribution to roslaunch which required adding a unit test before getting merged into ros_comm: https://github.com/ros/ros_comm/pull/379


On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 3:23 PM, Víctor González <victor.gonzalez at uc3m.es<mailto:victor.gonzalez at uc3m.es>> wrote:

I'm glad you liked it!
I pretend to add some info regarding Google Mock in the next iteration of it, but please, feel free to add the improvements you consider.


On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 12:41 PM, Marti Morta <mmorta at iri.upc.edu<mailto:mmorta at iri.upc.edu>> wrote:
Gracias Victor,

we are going to deliver a seminar soon about TDD, this is going to be very helpful!



On 14/03/14 12:17, Víctor González wrote:

I have written a tutorial on Test Driven Development (TDD) in ROS that I would like to share with you. The tutorial was addressed to the needs of my lab colleagues, so some parts are in rosbuild (we are still migrating to catkin). However, there are other parts that can be helpful to anyone who is starting to write their own tests.


Code examples:

I hope you find it useful!

Best regards,

Victor Gonzalez-Pacheco
PhD Student.
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Leganés, Madrid


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Martí Morta Garriga

Robotics Engineer

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC/UPC

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Jonathan Bohren
Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics
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