[ros-users] Node for iNemo-M1 discovery 9DOF IMU

Walter "Myzhar" Lucetti myzhar at robot-home.it
Sun Nov 2 10:04:18 UTC 2014

Hi Lorenz,
thank you for the link.

I think that I have a lot to learn from the project MAVLink.

At first sight it seems that MAVLink is designed for flying robots, my
MyzharBot is a ground crawler, but I think that this is not a problem...
ground robots are flying robots that do not fly :-)

I'm going to contact you... don't worry ;)


2014-11-01 17:24 GMT+01:00 Meier Lorenz <lm at inf.ethz.ch>:

>  Hi Walter,
>  The MAVLink protocol has been written for the the application domain you
> are operating in and the mavros bridge does all the conversions to the ROS
> standards. You might want to have a look at it:
> https://github.com/mavlink/mavros
>  The huge benefit from using the protocol would be that you gain a lot of
> support from existing tools, and you are compatible to a whole ecosystem of
> devices.
>  And the messages which already support all the data you are getting:
> http://mavlink.org/messages/common#HIGHRES_IMU
>  http://mavlink.org/messages/common#ATTITUDE_QUATERNION
> http://mavlink.org/messages/common#ATTITUDE_QUATERNION_COV
> (Note: This representation doesn’t suffer from Gimbal lock, there are
> conversion functions from rotation matrices provided in the MAVLink library
> in case the filter doesn’t operate on quaternions directly)
>  You can use QGroundControl to visualize the serial stream directly (Main
> menu, PRO -> Plots):
> http://qgroundcontrol.org/downloads
>  Tips for integration are provided here:
> http://qgroundcontrol.org/dev/mavlink_onboard_integration_tutorial
>  Let me know if you have further questions or run into issues.
>  -Lorenz
>  Am 01.11.2014 um 14:27 schrieb Walter Myzhar Lucetti <
> myzhar at robot-home.it>:
>   Hi all,
>  I'm writing a node (C++) to interface with the ST iNemo-M1 Discovery
> board (STEVAL-MKI121V1):
> http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/FM116/SC1248/PF255175
>  If you do not know it, it is a 9DOF IMU based on iNemo SOC, with a 9DOF
> IMU, plus Barometer and Temperature sensor, coordinated by a  STM32F103
>  I want to write a Serial Driver to communicate with the "original
> Firmware" that provides a good pose estimation (RPY and Quaternion) based
> on a Kalman Filter.
>  The source code is available on my Github repository:
> https://github.com/Myzhar/ST-iNemo_M1-IMU.git
>  I would like that someone could contribute with my work, I started
> writing code for ROS only at the beginning of september and any suggestion
> would be really appreciated.
>  Regards
> Walter
>  --
>  *Walter "Myzhar" Lucetti*
> email myzhar at robot-home.it
> web: *www.robot-home.it <http://www.robot-home.it/> - www.opencv.it
> <http://www.opencv.it/>*
>  project:  http://myzharbot.robot-home.it
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*Walter "Myzhar" Lucetti*

email myzhar at robot-home.it
web: *www.robot-home.it <http://www.robot-home.it/> - www.opencv.it
project:  http://myzharbot.robot-home.it
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