[ros-users] Future of STDR Simulator

Chris Zalidis zalidis at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 19:51:08 UTC 2014

Hi everyone,

We have started a discussion in the STDR Simulator google group
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/stdr-simulator/HYwclS1Io04> about
our future plans. You are all invited to jump in the discussion and help us
with your ideas. We are very interested in learning how do you use STDR
SImulator. I highly encourage you to reply directly to the google group.

Long story short: We are trying to “hide” simulator specific stuff that
cause issues to the end users when they simulate robots with localization
and mapping capabilities. Our approach is to use a separate ros master for
the simulator and leave a clean environment for user code, much like rostest
<http://wiki.ros.org/rostest> does. You can find more details in the google
group <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/stdr-simulator/HYwclS1Io04>.

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