[ros-users] OpenCV vision challenge

Vincent Rabaud vincent.rabaud at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 17:18:46 UTC 2014

(and before you read everything, I'll also give news about OpenCV 3.0: beta
is out and I'll release packages in the coming week:

Here is the official announcement:

OpenCV Foundation with support from DARPA and Intel Corporation are
launching a community-wide challenge to update and extend the OpenCV
library with state-of-art algorithms. An award pool of $50,000 is provided
to reward submitters of the best performing algorithms in the following 11
CV application areas: (1) *image segmentation*, (2) *image registration*,
(3) *human pose estimation*, (4) *SLAM*, (5) *multi-view stereo matching*,
(6) *object recognition*, (7) *face recognition*, (8) *gesture recognition*,
(9) *action recognition*, (10) *text recognition*, (11) *tracking*.

The OpenCV Vision Challenge Committee will judge up to five best entries.

You may submit a new algorithm developed by yourself or your implementation
of an existing algorithm even if you are not the author of the algorithm.
You may enter any number of categories.
If your entry wins the contest you will be awarded $1K.
To win an additional $7.5 to $9K, you must contribute the source code as an
OpenCV pull request under a BSD license.
You acknowledge that your contributed code may be included, with your
copyright, in OpenCV.

You may explicitly enter code for any work you have submitted to CVPR 2015
or its workshops. We will not unveil it until after CVPR.

Winners and prizes are at the sole discretion of the committee.

Submission Period: Now – May 8th 2015
Winners Announcement: June 8th 2015 at CVPR 2015

Detailed information can be found here:

Questions and the results should be sent to: vision-challenges at opencv.org

Thank you,
OpenCV Vision Challenge Committee
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