[ros-users] Cartesian Path Planner Plug-In for MoveIt

Risto Kojcev rkojcev at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 16:36:29 UTC 2014

Hi Frantisek,

Sorry for the late reply, I didnt catch this message until now.
Thank you very much for trying out the plugin. I am very happy that you 
find it useful for your applications.

Regarding the issue you have unfortunately during the development process I 
haven't considered the possibility of using this plugin in dual arm 
configurations. The MoveIt group name, which is currently set as 
"manipulator" is hard coded in the current version of the plugin.

I think expanding the plugin would be very useful, but it could take some 
time. I am willing and would be happy to take a look at that and I have few 
design suggestions which I would like to propose in order to proceed with 
this expansion and of course hear community's opinion about them.
   1. We could consider each arm to have the same features as the current 
plugin but in the same time we have to provide separate Way-Point 
add/substract  for each arm(different color coding and labeling as well as 
when they are outside each corresponding arm IK solution). For example in a 
dual arm configuration we could have two user interaction markers which 
could be labeled corresponding to the name set during the MoveIt 
configuration of the package.
   2. All the way points corresponding to one robot arm should be devised 
into groups in the TreeView.
   3. We should generate Cartesian paths that avoid collision between the 
two robots and also let the user know when a certain way point from the 
first robot collides with the Cartesian path of the other robot arm.
   4. Execution of Cartesian paths. We should also consider at what point 
should each arm Cartesian path should be executed. For example different 
applications might not require simultaneous execution of the both arms 
during the Cartesian path. For simplicity I would propose the first 
development goal to be simultanious execution of both Cartesian path for 
the two arms.

These are some of the things I could quickly think about and it would be 
great to hear the opinions of the community and open a discussion.

If there is an interested in proceeding with this I would be happy to do 
it, also some points to some dual arm MoveIt configuration packages would 
be useful in order to develop and test this expansion.

Thanks a lot.


On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 2:19:13 PM UTC+2, Hammer987 wrote:
> Hi Risto
> Great job with your Cartesian Planner plugin, it is exactly the tool I was 
> missing in RViz. I have tested it a little bit and found one issue I would 
> like to ask you.
> Your plugin works fine but only with planning group "manipulator". Is 
> there any way how to use your plugin for dual arm robots ( for instance 
> "r1" and "r2" groups)  or it is strictly limited to single arm 
> configurations?
> Thanks
> Frantisek Durovsky
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