[ros-users] Microsoft Kinect v2 Driver
Edwards, Shaun M.
sedwards at swri.org
Fri Sep 5 22:01:32 UTC 2014
If you saw the subject line and got excited that a Microsoft kinect[1] driver was available for ROS, I apologize. I am wondering if anybody is working on a driver. The best effort I can find is libfreenect2[2]. All other efforts I have seen rely on a bridging the kinect through a windows PC. It would be nice to have a native driver written for ROS/Ubuntu. I'd be interested to hear from anyone that is current working on a driver, or would be interested in supporting the development of one.
Thanks in advance,
[1] http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/en_US/pdp/productID.298810500?srccode=cii_17588969&cpncode=34-238809504-2&WT.mc_id=US_datafeed_Google
[2] https://github.com/OpenKinect/libfreenect2
Shaun Edwards
Senior Research Engineer
Manufacturing System Department
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Southwest Research Institute
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