[ros-users] New package: Augmented Reality System
Jordi Pages
jordi.pages at pal-robotics.com
Mon Sep 15 08:01:34 UTC 2014
your package looks cool and really helpul. Nevertheless, I wonder if it
could have been a better choice to fork aruco_ros
<https://github.com/pal-robotics/aruco_ros> and then add the new
functionalities throught pull requests. That would have brought to life a
single powerful package able to deal with the two use cases: when a single
or a couple of markers are needed and when single or multiple boards are
In any case, congratulations for the work.
On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 11:28 PM, Hamdi Sahloul(太田研) <
sahloul at race.u-tokyo.ac.jp> wrote:
> Thank you Andreas! Looking forward to hear from you ^^
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 11:02:51 -0700
> From: andreas.tenpas at gmail.com
> To: ros-users at lists.ros.org
> Subject: Re: [ros-users] New package: Augmented Reality System
> Cool, Hamdi! I'll try it out asap.
> -- Andreas
> 2014-09-14 8:49 GMT-07:00 Hamdi Sahloul(太田研) <sahloul at race.u-tokyo.ac.jp>:
> Hi everyone!
> I have been recently through a need for a reliable pose estimation system,
> in which ar_pose (http://wiki.ros.org/ar_pose) failed to stratify my
> needs as it depends on the very basic ARToolKit old library.
> Moreover, I found aruco_ros (http://wiki.ros.org/aruco_ros) as a good
> package to begin with, but it was only using a single marker, or double
> markers. It does not have a visualization system as well.
> So, I made my package..
> In order to avoid occlusions, I used marker boards (you still have the
> ability to use a 1x1 marker board), and now it could detect virtually
> unlimited boards with a very good accuracy.
> Nonetheless, it is able to handle many cameras at once, and finally
> display the result in the rviz (http://wiki.ros.org/rviz).
> I would love if you discover things further yourself, so here is the link:
> https://github.com/Sahloul/ar_sys
> It would only cost you a camera and couple of papers to try, therefore,
> kindly be asked to try it and let me please know your impression and
> feedback which is highly appreciated!
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Jordi Pages, PhD
Computer Vision
jordi.pages at pal-robotics.com
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