[ros-users] REP 145 - Conventions for IMU Sensor Drivers

Paul Bovbel pbovbel at clearpathrobotics.com
Tue Feb 17 23:06:38 UTC 2015

Hello ros-users,

Thanks to some lively discussion with other interested developers, I've
drafted REP-145, which lays out standard parameters, topics, and data
representations for IMU data. I hope that as the ROS world grows, this REP
can be used as a guideline for new driver implementations for IMU sensors.
In many ways, this is REP is codifying standards that already exist across
several existing drivers, as well as promoting the existing
`sensor_msgs/Imu` and `sensor_msgs/MagneticField` message format. The REP
also contains some salient points about IMU coordinate frame conventions
and transformations.

Please find the latest draft of the REP at:

The original discussion can be found at:

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