[ros-users] Detector Evaluation

Peter Lorenz peter.lorenz at student.tugraz.at
Wed Mar 2 10:25:00 UTC 2016

can I attach it to ros nodes, which are detectors?

On 03/02/16 11:24, Peter Lorenz via ros-users wrote:
> Hi,
> can I attach it to ros nodes, which are packages?
> On 03/02/16 11:19, Edgar Riba via ros-users wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> regarding detectors evaluation, one typical way to evaluate them in 
>> research is using VLBenchmarks 
>> <http://www.vlfeat.org/benchmarks/index.html>, a MATLAB framework for 
>> testing image feature detectors and descriptors which some parts are 
>> based on the original code 
>> <http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/%7Evgg/research/affine/#software> of K. 
>> Mikolajczyk <http://www.inrialpes.fr/lear/people/Mikolajczyk>and 
>> others just uses only Vlfeat. However, OpenCV has a slightly 
>> implementation in C++ based on that mentioned original code [1 
>> <http://docs.opencv.org/master/da/d9b/group__features2d.html#gaa7cacd54220a6da4ee05748a0329b754>] 
>> [2 
>> <https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/blob/master/modules/features2d/src/evaluation.cpp#L454>]. 
>> In my opinion, if you are using this OpenCV implementation then the 
>> code you want to release should go in the existent vision_opencv 
>> <http://wiki.ros.org/vision_opencv> which has some implemented OpenCV 
>> apps.
>> Edgar
>> On 02/03/16 09:57, Maarten de Vries via ros-users wrote:
>>> On 19 February 2016 at 22:42, Peter Lorenz via ros-users 
>>> <ros-users at lists.ros.org> wrote:
>>>     Hi,
>>>     I want to publish a package on the ros website.
>>>     It is about evaluation detectors in Computer Vision.
>>>     Usually, the detector spits out, if and where it found a desired
>>>     object.
>>>     You can read in  XML files, which have saved the ground truth
>>>     and says where the object really is located.
>>>     The package pops up a window where you will see the rectangle of
>>>     the ground truth and the rectangle of the detector. So you can
>>>     see, if those rectangles are overlapping, the detector is right
>>>     and saves the percentage in
>>>     file. This list will be read in a script, which shows up a ROC
>>>     curve of your database.
>>> ​ Automatic evaluation of (changes to) vision algorithms would be 
>>> very useful. I'm very interested to see your package.​
>>>     Please, help me to put this package on the ros webpage and I
>>>     will write a tutorial for it.
>>> ​I have no experience publishing packages ​on the ROS website. 
>>> However, the code is normally hosted elsewhere, like github. Would 
>>> it be possible for you to publish the package publicly first (for 
>>> example on github) and give us all the possibility to test it out? 
>>> Undoubtedly that's a good first step towards getting it published on 
>>> the ROS website too.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Maarten
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> -- 
> Peter Lorenz   __
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Peter Lorenz   __
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           |__| TU GRAZ

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