[ros-users] [jobs] Fully funded 4year contract PhD opening -- Control of Networked Systems @ AAU
Weiss, Stephan Michael
stephan.weiss at aau.at
Fri Sep 9 09:03:06 UTC 2016
In accordance with §107 Section 1 of the Universities Act 2002, the Alpen-Adria-Universität
Klagenfurt, Austria, Europe is seeking to make the following appointment:
PreDoc Scientist f/m (in German: Universitätsassistent/in) fully funded 4year contract
at the Control of Networked Systems Group, Institute of Smart System-Technologies, Faculty
of Technical Sciences (temporary contract for 4 years, scheme B1, 100% employment). The
minimum gross monthly salary for this assignment amounts to € 2.696,50 (14 x p.a.) and can
increase in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement in the case of consideration
of previous occupational experience. The scheduled start of the employment is October 1st, 2016.
** Duties and Responsibilities **
- Contributing to the tasks of the Institute in research and teaching of the research group
"Control of Networked Systems"
- Independent research with the aim to submit a dissertation and acquire the PhD
- Student mentoring
- Participation in administrative and organizational tasks of the Institute and in university
- Assistance in public relations activities of institute and faculty
In the "Control of Networked Systems" Group research is being conducted in state estimation,
cooperative visual perception, and multi-modal sensor fusion for mobile networked systems. The
group publishes in internationally high-ranking journals and conference proceedings. We also
cooperate with renowned international partners from science and industry, mainly in the USA,
Australia, and in Europe. Our teaching areas encompass Control, Systems Theory, Control of
Autonomous Systems and Vision-Based State Estimation. Our young research group provides a
highly dynamic, familiar and friendly attitude and thus a collaborative and inspiring work
environment with highly modern infrastructure, which is still expanding.
** Qualifications **
- A university degree (Master or Diplom-Ingenieur) in the field of electrical engineering and
information technology or computer science, graded with excellent academic success. The
degree must be completed by the time of employment.
- Proven knowledge and extensive experience in at least one of the following areas:
Probabilistic state estimation, vision-based navigation, multi-modal sensor fusion
- Proven programming skills in Matlab, C/C++, ROS
- Good knowledge of cooperative software development with GIT, SVN
- Fluent in English both spoken and written
** Additional Qualifications/Nice to have **
- Fluent in German both spoken and written
- Scientific publications in one or more of the above areas
- Relevant international or practical experience
- Social and communication skills, ability to work independently
- Basic experience in teaching and research projects
This position serves the purposes of the vocational and scientific education of graduates of Master`s
or Diploma study programs and set the goal of completing a Doctoral degree / a Ph.D. in Technical
Sciences. Thus, applications of persons who have already completed a subject-specific Doctoral
degree or a subject-relevant Ph.D. program cannot be considered.
The Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt intends to increase the number of women on its faculty,
particularly high-level positions, and therefore specifically invites applications by women. Among
equally qualified applicants women will receive preferential consideration. People with disabilities
or chronic diseases who are qualified are explicitly invited to apply.
The application must be submitted electronically in pdf format to the Alpen-Adria-Universität
Klagenfurt, Dekanatekanzlei /Recruiting using the code 550/16 via the link www.aau.at/obf. The
application must be written in English and include a letter of motivation, the curriculum vitae (with
photo and information about the degrees including date/place/grade, the experience acquired, the
thesis title, the list of publications if any and any other relevant information), copy of the degree
certificates and transcripts of the courses, and any certificate that can prove the fulfillment of the
required qualifications (e.g., the submission of the final thesis/dissertation if required by the study
===== The deadline for the applications is September 28, 2016 =====
Further information can be obtained on this website www.aau.at/jobs/information or by contacting
Professor Stephan Weiss (stephan.weiss at aau.at, Tel.: +43 463/2700-3571). Short-listed candidates
will be invited to an interview. Travel and accommodation expenses cannot be refunded.
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