[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Aerial Vehicles] Gapter: Research and Education Drone with ROS
Anis Koubaa
ros.discourse at gmail.com
Mon Apr 17 08:35:51 UTC 2017
Gaitech is proud to announce the release of its educational drone: Gapter, a shortcut for Gaitech Copter.
Gaitech is proud to announce the release of its educational drone: Gapter, a shortcut for Gaitech Copter.
Gapter is an unprecendanted drone with was carfeully designed to meet the requirements of researchers, students and teachers as an educational and research aerial platform.
It supports Robot Operating System (ROS), the MAVLink protocol, and the mavros wrapper layer between ROS and MAVLink.
**What makes GAPTER different from other drones?**
Gapter EDU support Robot Operating System. ROS Users can easily develop applications with Gapter using ROS. In addition, an educational ROS package with several demos was developed for Gapter.
Furthermore, Gapter Supports Arduilot and the MAVLink Protocol. It can be easily controlled using MAVLink ground stations such as QGroundControl and Mission Planner and to define autonomous missions either through Internet or Telemetry devices.
Gapter can also be connected to Internet using 3G or 4G connection. This allows you to control anywhere and anytime through the Internet.
>From hardware perspective, Gapter is based on the Pixhawk autopilot and reenforced with an embedded computer Odroid XU4, which is proven to be more powerful than other single board computers, like Raspberry PI, typically used in other drones.
For computer vision and obstacle avoidance application, Gapter comes with a 3D vision sensor with two stereo camera and to a laser range finder used to avoid obstacles and navigate more safely.
This is in addition to a comprehensive documentation and software packages that allows a user to easily start working and developing with Gapter.
Gapter is an innovative platform for research and education.
For more information, please contact us at sales at gaitech.net
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