[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [TurtleBot] LIDAR of Turtleblot3 starts spinning once power on?

Ryuwoon Jung ros.discourse at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 10:43:34 UTC 2017



Since October, 2017, the LIDAR which comes with the TurtleBot3 gets the firmware that makes automatically run from booting on. It is not a malfunction. 

Look here:


and hopefully (as Tully always says):


The TurtleBot category here on ROS Discourse is the right forum for general discussions.

For questions with direct answers or debugging please use http://answers.ros.org2 with the tag turtlebot or turtlebot3 with waffle or burger depending on your model.

There are guidelines for asking questions at http://wiki.ros.org/Support1




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