[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [General] Rosservice_echo.py a wannabe tool to imitate rostopic echo with services
Sam Pfeiffer
ros.discourse at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 21:21:02 UTC 2017
Hey everyone,
Trying to make the best use of my jetlag I was playing around and made:
As the README says:
> Just like rostopic echo /your_topic but with services.
> Well, similarly.
> You need to run it as root from a machine that is either doing the service calls or exposing the server. That's because it internally uses scapy to sniff network packets.
It looks something like:
rosrun rosservice_echo rosservice_echo.py /rosout/get_loggers
name: ros
level: info
name: ros.roscpp
level: info
name: ros.roscpp.roscpp_internal
level: info
name: ros.roscpp.superdebug
level: warn
Maybe someone else is interested. It may be a baby step in order to have rosservice bag tool someday. Or just a fun toy project to discover [scapy](http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/).
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