[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [General] Razor_imu_9dof node returns no value on rose node
Doruk Sönmez
ros.discourse at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 11:12:56 UTC 2018
I've followed the steps mentioned at https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/9dof-razor-imu-m0-hookup-guide in Windows using Arduino IDE and i got absolutely no error during uploding the firmware to the device. I can see the whole sensor values in serial port screen of Arduino IDE. However when i plug the device to my robot and run `roslaunch razor_imu_9dof razor-pub.launch`, it waits too much at the "[INFO] [1528713651.584447]: Flushing first 200 IMU entries..." phase and then when i do `rostopic echo /imu`, it keeps returning 0 value. Another problem is that it updates every second and it is equal to 1 Hz. I should get much more update. What do you guys think related to problem?
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