[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Jobs] PhD position (project REACT) in assistive service robotics in IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire, Brest, France
Panagiotis Papadakis
ros.discourse at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 17:42:25 UTC 2018
Dear Robotics Community,
A PhD position (project REACT) is available in the domain of assistive service robotics in IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire, Brest, France (IMTA). The 3-year doctoral scholarship is provided by regional funds (Bretagne region and Brest metro-pole) and aims to advance the state-of-the-art in terms of physical interaction capabilities of service robots for assistance to frail people. The thesis will be conducted in the context of the recently inaugurated research Chair "Maintien at Domicile" (M at D) of which IMTA is a founding partner and is expected to start from September 2018.
IMTA (http://www.imt-atlantique.fr/en) is a public institute of superior education (postgraduate) and research, that accredits Master diplomas to engineers up to Doctoral degree. IMTA is ranked among the top 10 in France (group A+) of engineering schools (Grandes coles) in 2018 (https://bit.ly/2J4tfjE). Brest is similarly ranked in 2018 among the best cities in France in terms of life and work quality (https://bit.ly/2BAEpIO).
The hosting IHSEV research team (https://departements.imt-atlantique.fr/info/recherche/ihsev/) specialises in information and communication technologies for assistance to people, combining skills from informatics and robotics: domotics protocols, embedded systems, service robotics, robotic learning et interactive TV. It collaborates with medical personnel, ergonomists and sociologists. IHSEV disposes various state-of-the-art robotic equipment (mobile robots, humanoids, robotic manipulators, etc), offering an attractive working environment for hosting research activities of international visibility.
For full details with respect to the subject of the thesis and candidate profile, please visit:
- English version: http://www.imt-atlantique.fr/sites/default/files/users/user339/Description_REACT-promotion-anglais.pdf
- French version: http://www.imt-atlantique.fr/sites/default/files/users/user339/Description_REACT-promotion-fran%C3%A7ais.pdf
Panagiotis PAPADAKIS
Associate Professor
Personal web-page: https://sites.google.com/site/pgpapadakis/
+33 2 29 00 16 30
Technople Brest-Iroise CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3
La Chantrerie 4 rue Alfred Kastler BP 20722
44307 Nantes Cedex 3
A school of [ http://www.imt.fr/ | l'IMT ]
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