[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [ROS Projects] ROS Additive Manufacturing (RAM)

João Sobral ros.discourse at gmail.com
Thu May 10 15:30:57 UTC 2018

Yes, it is plastic FDM. 
My initial references (and problably I'll end up doing like that) were to follow a regular 3D printing process, using  a slicer to generate GCode and then to convert those targets into robot movement.
However, as I found ROS I was trying to implement the Project using its packages, as it seems to be really powerful. My robot arm is a 5 DOF Igus Robolink. As far as I know, there is few development of Igus packages.
How can I convert the Slic3r GCode output into a robot program? Is there any developed package/software to do that (like Moveit?) or that has to be done from scratch?

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