[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [General] Proposed changes to the ROS releases

Dirk Thomas ros.discourse at gmail.com
Fri May 11 17:44:11 UTC 2018

[quote="carlosjoserg, post:10, topic:4736"]
For some reason, the bug fixed C3 was accepted in `kinetic` , but then cherry-picked/merged into `lunar` manually, that is, into a future release.

That is certainly not the normal flow. I am not sure of that is a real-world example (can you provide a link to a PR?) or just illustrating.

I can't speak for all ROS repos but in `ros_comm` any PRs are only merged into the *latest* devel branch. The only very rare exception is if a patch is only necessary for an older distro but not the latest one.

And then in a second step all changes on the latest devel branch are being considered for backport to the previous devel branch (and then from there to the second previous etc.). See https://github.com/ros/ros_comm/pull/1323 for an example of such a backport.

So as far as I understand you proposal that is exactly what is happening in `ros_comm` with the only exception that the "single line of development" is not named `master` but after the latest ROS distro.

I would suggest to continue this specific conversation in a separate topic / thread since it gets a little bit away form the scope of the original topic.

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