[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [ROS Projects] Coursera’s Control of Mobile Robots using ROS + Raspberry Pi Robot - Part 3

Jack Pien ros.discourse at gmail.com
Thu May 17 21:59:49 UTC 2018


I published the 3rd post of a multi-part series that implements concepts learned from [Courseras Control of Mobile Robots](https://www.coursera.org/learn/mobile-robot) (CMR) on to our [ROS+OpenCV ROSbots robot kit for Makers](http://www.rosbots.com/).

In this part 3, I write about [odometry and feedback and how we compute odometry using our ROSbots robot's wheel encoders](https://medium.com/@rosbots/feedback-odometry-courseras-control-of-mobile-robots-with-ros-and-rosbots-part-3-e9d8e4df6df1).  

Disclaimer: I don't actually showcase any ROS code in this part 3 as I wanted to focus on the equations used. This sets part 4 up nicely to showcase lots of ROS code that implements those equations.

As usual, I welcome others to join along with their own ROSbots robot kit. Love to hear what the community thinks of the effort. 

Dont hesitate to reach out with questions, suggestions and feedback. Want to collaborate? Love to connect as well.


Jack the ROSbots Maker


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