[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Quality Assurance] ROS Quality Assurance Working Group October 2018 Meeting Notes
Adam Alami
ros.discourse at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 07:52:46 UTC 2018
1. Discuss how to finish the work on the Quality Dashboard (Making ROS Quality Visible)?
2. Discuss how to kick off the code review pilot?
3. Update on the Static Analysis
4. Start off the discussion on the Maintenance Issue initiative. Will brainstorm solutions for the issue.
* Quality Dashboard:
* Andr Santos managed to enhance the GUI based on the working group feedback. The latest version available in this link https://git-afsantos.github.io/ros-wiki-qa-experiment/
* We discussed the quality dashboard. These are some feedback and decisions:
* User Rating should be removed for the time being. Due to some infrastructure constraints, we decided to delay the implementation of User Rating.
* We would like to display the date of the last two releases. For example, in the prototype, we would like the dates of v0.7.5 and v.0.7.4 to be displayed.
* For the QA Score, we decided to research further existing practices and literature on how to derive such score. For the moment, we do not have a formula to deduce the score.
* Code review
* We compiled a code review guide. We asked Moveit and rviz to pilot code review. We hope to see code review taking place in these repositories.
* Static analysis
* ITU hire a part time resource to commence the scanning of ROS packages. The Tool selection is in progress.
* Maintenance issue:
* There are two aspects to this issue: (1) orphan packages and (2) resourcing issue (not enough maintainers). Will continue the discussion in this subject next meeting.
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