[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Site Feedback] ROS Turkey user group creation

Tahsin Kose ros.discourse at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 19:46:39 UTC 2018

@tfoote please. as you suggested, create a Local User group Turkey(ROS Turkey Users Group).

This is the blurb to the group (English and Turkish):

Hi Turkish ROS user,

We are in the age of Robotics and things are exponentially evolving as you know. Despite the field is still a nich in Turkey, it catches more and more interest. Thus far, there were many people using ROS in the research labs scattered throughout the country. Unfortunately, many of us were isolated from each other and many project and research opportunities were missed just because of the lack of human resources. This is the first proposal for a ROS community in Turkey and it possess great potential for the future. Let us join to the great ROS community and popularise the usage of ROS in Turkey!


Robotik uygulamalarnn bilim kurgudan artk gnlk hayata indii bir ada yayoruz ve alan inanlmaz hzl bir deiim ve geliim geiriyor. Trkiye'de hala ni bir alan olmasna ramen, nmzdeki birka senede ok daha fazla ilgi ekeceine eminim. imdiye kadar pek ok aratrma laboratuvarnda, eitli projelerde ROS kullanld ama amiyane tabirle kimsenin kimseden haberi yok. Dolaysyla aratrma ve dizayn projeleri iin kendisine co-author veya co-developer arayan kimseler yalnz bana kalabiliyor. Uluslararas komnite ne kadar gl olsa da byle kimselerin kendi lkemizden kmas iyi ve gerekli diye dnyorum. Trkiye'de pek ok niversitede Robotik dersleri verilmekte, byk niversitelerin tamamnda Robotik kulpleri var ve lise rencileri de bu alana ekilmek isteniyor. Fakat Trkiye'de herhangi bir ROS topluluu bulunmuyor. Dolaysyla byle bir grubun gelecek iin ciddi bir potansiyeli olduunu dnmekteyim. Hadi byk ROS komnitesine katlalm ve Trkiye'deki kullanmn daha da ileriye tayalm!


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