[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [General] Discussion on ROS to ROS2 transition plan

Adam Duncan ros.discourse at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 16:21:30 UTC 2018

We should be thinking about this in terms of net new projects. I realize that libraries need to migrate or be redesigned to support new Robotics applications on ROS2 however we shouldn't be discussing porting Robotics applications from ROS1 to ROS2 generally. Some may choose to do it where it makes sense but I'm guessing its not going to happen broadly.

If you already have an inflight or working ROS1 application it can, and probably should stay on ROS1 until that application has exhausted its useful lifecycle. Any new or next generation of that application should be targeted to be built on ROS2 and getting the libraries there to support it?

If we  agree on that as the approach then the question would be: is 2023 enough time to have LTS support on your current robotics project/application and can the community start to move forward with building bridges, tools and porting libraries as you described.

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