[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [ROS Projects] ROS Books Give Away | ROSCon 2018

Lentin Joseph ros.discourse at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 05:49:07 UTC 2018

Hi Everyone

I would like to give away my books as a part of ROSCon2018. 

Please register and select your ROS books. Please make sure your e-mail address is correct. The 15 lucky winners will get their selected e-book. 

The list of winners will be announced at the end of ROSCon2018. 

[Here is the link for registration.](https://goo.gl/forms/eIY04OmsezQmaI7G3)

Note: I can't attend ROSCon 2018:   :frowning:  Ticket sold out. 

[Lentin Joseph](https://www.linkedin.com/in/lentinjoseph/)


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