[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [General] ROS TSC Meeting Notes 2019-02-21

Tully Foote via Discourse.ros.org ros.discourse at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 18:22:59 UTC 2019

ROS TSC Meeting Notes February 21st, 2019


-   Attendees:

    -   Dirk, Tully, Brian (Open Robotics)

    -   Peter (Intel)

    -   Karsten (Bosch)

    -   Victor (Acutronic)

    -   Jaime (eProsima)

    -   Allison (TRI)

    -   Dejan (Apex)

    -   Rutvik (Amazon)

    -   Seonman (LGE)

    -   Matt D & Jon Smereka (TARDEC)

-   **\[10 min\] \[Brian\] New member introductions:**

    -   \[Victor\] Acutronic

        -   2 minute company overview

    -   \[Jaime\] eProsima

        -   2 minute company overview

-   **\[2 min\] \[Brian\] ROS trademark status update**

    -   Application is mostly prepared, with a few remaining questions. Draft descriptions of goods and services is ready.

    -   We may need more details on ROS logo usage in some classes, including first dates.

-   **\[2 min\] \[Dirk\] DCO bot update**

    -   Some limitations when using the web UI to edit \[e.g. [*\#102*](https://github.com/probot/dco/issues/102)\]

    -   Want to add more information to the repos CONTRIBUTING.md files before enabling globally

    -   Amazon has successfully used it.

-   **\[5 min\] \[Brian\] Elevator pitch**

    -   Why ROS 2? Draft shared by Brian, with summary bullets being:

    -   Designed for production

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-   Multi-platform

-   No vendor lock-in

-   Built on open standards

-   Permissive open source license

-   Global community

    -   Suggestions to be added / integrated:

        -   Tools, libraries, capabilities

        -   Ecosystem

        -   Industry grade vs. production, with respect to quality

        -   Platform implies hardware (e.g., specific SBCs, BSPs) in automotive

        -   Highlight companies support (e.g., via TSC)

        -   Cross-domain platforms (not just ground), planes, quads, orbiting satellites, subterranean robots

        -   Accelerating time to market, should be faster than proprietary solutions

    -   Brian to circulate updated draft among TSC.

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-   **\[5 min\] \[Dirk\] Dashing update:**

    -   Feature ticket: [*https://github.com/ros2/ros2/issues/607*](https://github.com/ros2/ros2/issues/607)

        -   Please add your commitments here!

        -   Update comments in the thread as new information becomes available.

    -   Timeline: [*https://index.ros.org/doc/ros2/Releases/Release-Dashing-Diademata/*](https://index.ros.org/doc/ros2/Releases/Release-Dashing-Diademata/)

-   WG updates

    -   **\[5 min\] \[Peter (in lieu of Matt H.)\] Navigation**

        -   Q: Replacing custom actions with standard actions planned?

        -   Q: Replacing custom dyn reconf with standard parameters (once they support ranges) planned?

        -   Matt on vacation -- look for offline update

    -   **\[5 min\] \[Rutvik\] Security**

        -   Primary work stream was for threat model, picked up again, working on first draft of document

        -   Working on reference architecture based on TurtleBot

    -   **\[5 min\] \[Dejan\] Real-time and safety**

        -   Real-time status and goals tracked at [*https://gitlab.com/AutowareAuto/AutowareAuto/issues/65*](https://gitlab.com/AutowareAuto/AutowareAuto/issues/65)

        -   Q: What is latency target?

            -   Focused on example automotive use case

        -   Q: Behavior can be very different on hardware platforms. Theres not a lot of testing on specific hardware.

            -   Building on prior work by OSADL (empirical demonstration of latencies in RT-PREEMPT-patched kernel on specific hardware)

        -   Safety WG will be picked up by Geoff Biggs, expect a Discourse post to start this effort.

    -   **\[5 min\] \[Karsten\] Embedded**

        -   [*https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros2-embedded-sig-meeting-2/7243*](https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros2-embedded-sig-meeting-2/7243)

        -   Call for participation within the TSC to see if members are interested in embedded ROS2.

-   **\[5 min\] \[Dejan\] ROS 2 integration test framework**

    -   [*https://github.com/ApexAI/apex\_rostest*](https://github.com/ApexAI/apex_rostest)

    -   Integrating with new generation of launch

-   **\[5 min\] \[Victor\] From Matt H.: Acutronic and PickNik announced a partnership on Discourse, beginning work on MoveIt! 2.0 on ROS2.**

    -   Q: Can they give us a brief overview of their plans and schedule?

    -   Q: Will it be done in time for Dashing release?

        -   Yes, its targeted for Dashing release

        -   Its on the Dashing ticket.

    -   Q: Are there areas they are seeking help?

        -   [*https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit2*](https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit2)

            -   [*https://github.com/AcutronicRobotics/moveit2/\#milestones*](https://github.com/AcutronicRobotics/moveit2/#milestones) for latest updates

        -   Help is very welcome, works going on in the open.

    -   Q: Does this include porting ROS control?

        -   Targeting minimal viable option. Might not be fully ported. There may be more use cases for more of ros\_control that would be needed, but collaborators to fill that out would be appreciated.

    -   Q: Does this include a refactor to take advantage of new features or a direct port?

        -   Trying to take long run, leaving it up to Daves judgement, to still meet the deadline.

        -   Would like to hear about more use cases.

-   **\[5 min\] \[Karsten\] diagnostics pull request status**

    -   [*https://github.com/ros/diagnostics/pull/94*](https://github.com/ros/diagnostics/pull/94)

    -   We were wondering how we can help pushing this PR in a review-able state. Bosch is willing to help but we want to double check with Persistent / Amazon first.

        -   Amazon no longer actively working on this, would be willing to collaborate.

        -   Bosch will plan to comment on the existing PR and make a set of new smaller PRs to replace them

-   **\[10 min\] \[Brian\] Need for regular dev call and/or new chat system?**

    -   Discuss recent threads from Discourse:

        -   [*https://discourse.ros.org/t/an-instantaneous-chat-platform-for-the-ros-community/7794*](https://discourse.ros.org/t/an-instantaneous-chat-platform-for-the-ros-community/7794)

        -   [*https://discourse.ros.org/t/design-process-of-ros-2/7782*](https://discourse.ros.org/t/design-process-of-ros-2/7782)

    -   Dejan: See two challenges. When actions were designed there wasnt a concrete use case. Their use case has a specific corner that wasnt in the generic design. Github is good and open/visible. Slack is horrible, only good if you need an answer in 5 minutes. Everything should have a good design doc. Adding more tooling isnt solving the problem, you need to know what you want to do.

    -   Karsten: Seconded new system will just cause more notification overloads. Highlight Deannas [*ROSCon talk*](https://vimeo.com/292699328), proposals, designs, etc.

    -   Brian: Previous regular dev call. Worked well, but had a problem of it really just another way for people to make feature requests. Maybe new scope to say its only for information sharing.

    -   Rutvik: Maybe an office hours model. Find a way to spread design feedback burden. Amazon would be interested in staffing an office hours.

    -   Dirk: Effective deep discussions are hard with high latency written communication channels. Might make sense to have specific calls for focused topics.

    -   Allison: Regular scheduled is easier for people to keep up with and find. Cartographer open house seems to work well. Mostly advice not bug fixing/reporting.

    -   Dejan: Other projects have community managers who scan through tickets for unsolved issues, and ping people. Sometimes start discussions about whats the slowdown.

        -   Brian: Yeah we are distributing that role among our team.

        -   Rutvik: +1 for good job from Open Robotics, but see bandwidth limitations

    -   Peter: A developer conference, more working groups and discussions not as much of a presentation out like ROSCon.

-   **\[10 min\] \[Brian\] New TSC applicant**

    -   Follow up questions, please email Brian directly. Well call for an asynchronous vote in the next week or two.


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